The Bible History Volume 4: Israel under Samuel, Saul, and David, to the Birth …

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The history of Israel, viewed as the Theocracy, or Kingdom of God, consists of three periods : First, that under the guidance of Prophets (from Moses to Samuel); secondly, that under the rule of Kings (from Saul to the Babylonish Captivity); and, thirdly, that under the reign of High-priests (from Ezra to the birth of Jesus Christ). Thus the Theocracy had passed through its full typical development in all its stages, when He came, to Whom they all pointed : Jesus Christ, the Prophet, King, and High-priest of the Kingdom of God. The period described in the present volume closes one of these stages, and commences another. The connecting link between them was Samuel — who alone fully realised the mission of the Judges, and who was also Divinely appointed to inaugurate the new institution of royalty in Israel. That royalty next appeared in its twofold possibility — or, as we might express it, in its negative and positive aspects. Saul embodied the royal ideal of the people, while David represented the Scriptural ideal of royalty in its conscious subjection to the will of the Heavenly King. Saul was, so to speak, the king after Israel's, David after God's own heart. But with the actual introduction of monarchy the first period had come to an end, and a new era begun, which was intended to continue till the third and last preliminary stage was reached, which prepared the way for the Advent of Him, Who was the fulfilment of the typical meaning of all. - Summary by Preface (7 hr 12 min)


Preface 10:38 Read by InTheDesert
Purport and Lessons of the Books of Samuel - Eli - Hannah's Prayer and Vow - Bi… 21:30 Read by Hansen1021
The Sin of Eli's Sons - Eli's Weakness - A Prophet's Message - Samuel's First V… 18:51 Read by mleigh
Expedition Against the Philistines - The Two Battles of Ebenezer - Death of Eli… 19:47 Read by Vinny Lerin
Samuel As Prophet - The Gathering at Mizpeh - Battle of Ebenezer; Its Consequen… 15:24 Read by hdevlin
The Calling of Saul - Occasion of his Interview with Samuel - Samuel Communes w… 23:43 Read by Vinny Lerin
Saul Chosen King at Mizpeh - His Comparative Privacy - Incursion of Nahash - Re… 19:39 Read by Vinny Lerin
Saul Marches against the Philistines - Position of the two Camps - Jonathan's F… 13:19 Read by hdevlin
Camps of Israel and of the Philistines - Jonathan and his Armor-bearer - Panic … 13:27 Read by Jennifer Wilson
The War Against Amalek - Saul's Disobedience, and its Motives - Samuel Commissi… 15:11 Read by Jennifer Wilson
Samuel Mourns for Saul - He is directed to the house of Jesse - Anointing of Da… 29:20 Read by Jennifer Wilson
Saul's Jealousy, and Attempts upon David's Life - David marries Michal - Ripeni… 33:26 Read by Belinda McReynolds
David at Nob - Observed by Doeg - Flight to Gath - David feigns Madness - The C… 30:45 Read by libvox53
Saul in David's Power at En-gedi - The Story of Nabal - Saul a second time in D… 26:28 Read by Vinny Lerin
David's Second Flight to Gath - Residence at Ziklag - Expedition of the Philist… 25:23 Read by Vinny Lerin
The Battle on Mount Gilboa - Death of Saul - Rescue of the bodies by the men of… 41:55 Read by TriciaG
David anointed King over all Israel - Taking of Fort Zion - Philistine Defeat -… 27:58 Read by Cbteddy
David's Purpose of Building the Temple, and its Postponement - The "Sure Mercie… 11:21 Read by Cbteddy
Wars of David Great Ammonite and Syrian Campaign against Israel - Auxiliaries i… 15:29 Read by Judson Thomas
Siege of Rabbah - David's great Sin - Death of Uriah - Taking of Rabbah - David… 19:09 Read by Christopher Hagedon