Hours of Sorrow

Read by MaryAnn

Poems from the author of the beloved hymn, "Just as I Am", chiefly adapted to seasons of sickness, depression and bereavement. Elliott revised this collection of poems several times during her lifetime. This reading is from the 1836 edition. (Summary by MaryAnn) (2 hr 15 min)


To the Reader 2:50 Read by MaryAnn
Sonnet to the Harp 1:06 Read by MaryAnn
Invocation to the Holy Spirit 1:04 Read by MaryAnn
The Minstrel 1:18 Read by MaryAnn
Address to Sorrow 2:03 Read by MaryAnn
The Wanderer 1:04 Read by MaryAnn
The Contrite Heart 1:06 Read by MaryAnn
The Æolian Harp 1:15 Read by MaryAnn
St. Matthew, v. 4 1:09 Read by MaryAnn
Retrospection 1:19 Read by MaryAnn
The Valley of Tears 3:04 Read by MaryAnn
The Skylark 1:09 Read by MaryAnn
The Moon over the Sea 1:16 Read by MaryAnn
On Sacred Music 2:21 Read by MaryAnn
On the same Subject 1:03 Read by MaryAnn
Stanzas for a Friend in Sorrow 3:54 Read by MaryAnn
The Requiem 3:04 Read by MaryAnn
On Noah's Dove: a Similitude 1:13 Read by MaryAnn
The Vestal 1:09 Read by MaryAnn
On a Spring Morning 1:04 Read by MaryAnn
On an Early Violet 1:39 Read by MaryAnn
The "Still Small Voice" 1:43 Read by MaryAnn
To the Nightingale 1:10 Read by MaryAnn
A Search after Happiness 4:08 Read by MaryAnn
The Hour of Prayer 1:27 Read by MaryAnn
A Prayer at Midnight 1:11 Read by MaryAnn
"The Lord turned, and looked upon Peter" 2:11 Read by MaryAnn
Rest for the Weary 1:01 Read by MaryAnn
To one suffering from Deafness 1:12 Read by MaryAnn
On a Frosty Evening 1:06 Read by MaryAnn
On the Forget-me-not 1:34 Read by MaryAnn
To a Aged Christian on his Birth-day 1:44 Read by MaryAnn
On the Anniversary of a Child's Death 1:10 Read by MaryAnn
To a Widowed Friend 1:08 Read by MaryAnn
"She goeth unto the grave to weep there" 1:32 Read by MaryAnn
From a Dying Child 1:54 Read by MaryAnn
To the Evening-Star 1:18 Read by MaryAnn
The Christian near his Home 2:38 Read by MaryAnn
To one restless and unhappy 1:43 Read by MaryAnn
"My Son, give me thy Heart" 1:49 Read by MaryAnn
To a Friend setting out on a Journey 1:25 Read by MaryAnn
To one bereaved of many Relatives 1:07 Read by MaryAnn
The Death-bed of a Christian 3:49 Read by MaryAnn
A Dream 3:39 Read by MaryAnn
A Vision, composed during a Thunderstorm in the Night 3:13 Read by MaryAnn
On the Death of Two Infants 2:07 Read by MaryAnn
Anticipations 2:32 Read by MaryAnn
On the Words uttered by a Dying Child, speaking of Jesus 1:48 Read by MaryAnn
On a Young Friend's Illness 1:54 Read by MaryAnn
On a restless Night, in Illness 1:08 Read by MaryAnn
On hearing a Canary-Bird sing in London 2:21 Read by MaryAnn
On an Infant who lived only a few Months 1:19 Read by MaryAnn
From a Mother to her departed Babe 1:26 Read by MaryAnn
Epitaph 1:04 Read by MaryAnn
To a bereaved Christian Friend 1:20 Read by MaryAnn
To "the Infant Lyra" 2:50 Read by MaryAnn
Prayer for the Consecration of Talent 0:37 Read by MaryAnn
The Pilgrim 1:24 Read by MaryAnn
To a Mother, on the Death of a Child of great promise 1:22 Read by MaryAnn
To a Mother bereaved of her only Daughter 1:36 Read by MaryAnn
To Faith. Written in Illness 1:30 Read by MaryAnn
"Have I not remembered Thee on my Bed?" 1:25 Read by MaryAnn
To one whose Mind was disordered by Grief 1:03 Read by MaryAnn
The Widowed Heart 3:43 Read by MaryAnn
"Thy will be done" 1:25 Read by MaryAnn
Prayer to the Saviour 1:52 Read by MaryAnn
On the Midnight preceding Good Friday 1:47 Read by MaryAnn
The Ark 1:12 Read by MaryAnn
"Be not faithless, but believing" 0:55 Read by MaryAnn
Written for one not likely to recover 1:51 Read by MaryAnn
To one deprived of Hearing at Church by Deafness 1:04 Read by MaryAnn
"Return unto thy Rest, O my Soul!" 1:01 Read by MaryAnn
On the Anniversary of a Friend's Death 1:42 Read by MaryAnn
"All things are become new" 1:12 Read by MaryAnn
To one who had lost an only Sister 2:11 Read by MaryAnn
Hymn for a Dying Bed 1:05 Read by MaryAnn
Prayer for a departing Spirit 2:09 Read by MaryAnn
Hymn of the emancipated Soul 2:05 Read by MaryAnn
Closing Sonnet 1:26 Read by MaryAnn