Poems of the Past and the Present

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Poems of the Past and the Present is the second collection of poems by Thomas Hardy published in 1901. It is divided into 5 sections, War Poems, Poems of Pilgrimage, Miscellaneous Poems, Imitations and Retrospect.

The first poem is a tribute to Queen Victoria written in the week of her death. (Summary by Alan Mapstone) (2 hr 55 min)


V.R. 1819-1901 1:44 Read by Alan Mapstone
WAR POEMS: Embarkation 1:26 Read by Alan Mapstone
Departure 1:29 Read by Alan Mapstone
The Colonel's Soliloquy 2:45 Read by Alan Mapstone
The Going of the Battery 3:10 Read by nighthawks
At the War Office 1:18 Read by nighthawks
A Christmas Ghost-Story 1:31 Read by nighthawks
The Dead Drummer 1:14 Read by Alan Mapstone
A Wife in London 1:25 Read by Agnes Robert Behr
The Souls of the Slain 4:09 Read by Inkell
Song of the Soldiers' Wives 1:37 Read by Agnes Robert Behr
The Sick God 2:20 Read by Inkell
POEMS OF PILGRIMAGE: Genoa and the Mediteranean 2:18 Read by nighthawks
Shelley's Skylark 1:48 Read by Rob E. Brown
In the Old Theatre, Fiesole 1:10 Read by Vinita
Rome: On the Palantine 1:06 Read by Inkell
Rome: building a new street in the ancient quarter 1:06 Read by Inkell
Rome: the Vatican 2:20 Read by Vinita
Rome: at the pyramid of Cestius 1:22 Read by Inkell
Lausanne 2:16 Read by Stefan Von Blon
Zermatt 1:46 Read by nighthawks
The Bridge at Lodi 3:00 Read by Kiera Abrienne
An Invitation to the United States 0:58 Read by Kiera Abrienne
MISCELLANEOUS POEMS: The Mother Mourns 3:50 Read by Nonulzzang
"I Said to Love" 1:33 Read by Stunning
A Commonplace Day 2:31 Read by Winnifred Assmann
At a Lunar Eclipse 1:13 Read by Stunning
The Lacking Sense 3:47 Read by nighthawks
To Life 1:01 Read by Stunning
Doom and She 2:48 Read by nighthawks
The Problem 0:52 Read by Stunning
The Subalterns 1:01 Read by Ronald Gardella
The Sleep-Worker 1:23 Read by Bruce Kachuk
The Bullfinches 2:26 Read by nighthawks
God-Forgotten 3:50 Read by nighthawks
The Bedridden Peasant to an Unknowing God 1:51 Read by Agnes Robert Behr
By the Earth's Corpse 2:17 Read by nighthawks
Mute Opinion 1:18 Read by nighthawks
To an Unborn Pauper Child 2:13 Read by Agnes Robert Behr
To Flowers from Italy in Winter 1:08 Read by Bruce Kachuk
On a Fine Morning 0:54 Read by Amber H
To Lizbie Brown 2:36 Read by Alan Mapstone
Song of Hope 1:15 Read by Bruce Kachuk
The Well-Beloved 3:57 Read by Alan Mapstone
Her Reproach 1:20 Read by Winnifred Assmann
The Inconsistent 0:50 Read by Ronald Gardella
A Broken Appointment 1:18 Read by Alan Mapstone
"Between us now" 0:54 Read by Sydney M
"How great my Grief" 0:36 Read by Sydney M
"I need not go" 1:01 Read by Amber H
The Coquette and After 1:00 Read by Amber H
A Spot 1:06 Read by Amber H
Long Plighted 1:22 Read by Amber H
The Widow 2:01 Read by Carol Galbraith
At a Hasty Wedding 1:02 Read by nighthawks
The Dream Follower 0:45 Read by Alan Mapstone
His Immortality 0:56 Read by Ronald Gardella
The To-be-forgotten 1:40 Read by Inkell
Wives in the Sere 1:21 Read by nighthawks
The Superseded 1:02 Read by Winnifred Assmann
An August Midnight 1:08 Read by Mike Crampton
The Caged Thrush freed and Home Again 1:33 Read by Alan Mapstone
Birds at Winter Nightfall 0:52 Read by Alan Mapstone
The Puzzled Game-Birds 0:46 Read by Winnifred Assmann
Winter in Durnover Field 1:13 Read by Agnes Robert Behr
The Last Chrysanthemum 1:22 Read by Agnes Robert Behr
The Darkling Thrush 2:01 Read by Alan Mapstone
The Comet at Yalbury or Yell'ham 0:51 Read by Alan Mapstone
Mad Judy 1:07 Read by Mike Crampton
A Wasted Illness 1:31 Read by Inkell
A Man 2:32 Read by Winnifred Assmann
The Dame of Athelhall 3:19 Read by Winnifred Assmann
The Seasons of her Year 0:54 Read by Mike Crampton
The Milkmaid 1:33 Read by Winnifred Assmann
The Levelled Churchyard 1:22 Read by Mike Crampton
The Ruined Maid 2:04 Read by Winnifred Assmann
The Respectable Burgher on "the Higher Criticism" 1:53 Read by Nicole Wright
Architectural Masks 1:05 Read by Mike Crampton
The Tenant-for-Life 1:33 Read by Mike Crampton
The King's Experiment 3:02 Read by Alan Mapstone
The Tree: an Old Man's Story 3:00 Read by Carol Galbraith
Her Late Husband 1:44 Read by Winnifred Assmann
The Self-Unseeing 0:42 Read by Inkell
De Profundis or In Tenebris 7:05 Read by Alan Mapstone
The Church-Builder 3:40 Read by Mike Crampton
The Lost Pyx: a Mediaeval Legend 4:50 Read by Alan Mapstone
Tess's Lament 2:36 Read by Winnifred Assmann
The Supplanter: A Tale 4:33 Read by Algy Pug
IMITATIONS, ETC: Sapphic Fragment 0:52 Read by Alan Mapstone
Catullus: XXXI 1:18 Read by Algy Pug
After Schiller 0:39 Read by Alan Mapstone
Song: from Heine 0:56 Read by Alan Mapstone
From Victor Hugo 1:06 Read by Alan Mapstone
Cardinal Bembo's Epitaph on Raphael 0:34 Read by Alan Mapstone
RETROSPECT: "I Have Lived with Shades" 1:37 Read by Inkell
Memory and I 1:30 Read by Inkell
ἈΓΝΩΣΤΩι ΘΕΩι. 1:43 Read by Alan Mapstone