Preparations for Sufferings

Read by InTheDesert

That sufferings, both bodily and mental, are the lot of humanity, the testimony of scripture and reason abundantly confirm. But whatever may be their nature or their intensity, the mind well-grounded in the hope of a glorious immortality through faith in the merits of the Redeemer, and looking at the glory that shall follow, will “hold out stedfast unto the end,” and say with joy, “it was good for me that I was afflicted.” To illustrate this position by a variety of sound, convincing, and scriptural arguments, and examples, is the aim of this well-timed publication. - Summary by The Imperial Magazine August 1833 (4 hr 3 min)


Epistle to the Reader 3:53 Read by InTheDesert
Wherein the text is opened and the doctrine propounded. 6:35 Read by InTheDesert
Shews, that although God takes no delight in afflicting his people, yet he some… 14:15 Read by InTheDesert
Shews that it is usual with God to premonish his people of approaching trials a… 13:41 Read by InTheDesert
Demonstrating the excellency of a prepared heart for the worst of sufferings’ a… 26:50 Read by InTheDesert
Evincing the necessity of a sound and real work of grace upon the heart, to fit… 15:54 Read by InTheDesert
Wherein the nature of this work of grace, in which our habitual fitness for suf… 18:50 Read by InTheDesert
In which the necessity of getting clear evidences of this work of grace in us, … 16:27 Read by InTheDesert
Discovering the necessity of an improved faith for the right management of suff… 16:53 Read by InTheDesert
Wherein the necessity and usefulness of Christian fortitude in order to sufferi… 14:42 Read by InTheDesert
Discovering the necessity of an heart mortified to all earthly and temporal enj… 21:22 Read by InTheDesert
Wherein is opened the singular advantage that suffering saints have by their sk… 17:47 Read by InTheDesert
Sheweth that a choice part of our preparation and readiness for suffering consi… 8:59 Read by InTheDesert
Wherein is shewed the necessity of going out of ourselves, even when our habitu… 13:48 Read by InTheDesert
Containing the first use of the point by way of conviction, discovering the unr… 10:37 Read by InTheDesert
Containing another use of the point, by way of exhortation, persuading all the … 11:08 Read by InTheDesert
Containing the last use of the point, by way of support and comfort to poor tre… 11:50 Read by InTheDesert