An Introduction to the Birds of Pennsylvania

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

George Miksch Sutton was a world renowned ornithologist whose art and studies rival those of Audubon. In this volume Sutton presents brief descriptions of nearly 200 species of birds common to Pennsylvania, but whose range often covers much of the eastern United States and beyond. This book also features an invaluable introduction to the study of birds for the beginner. - Summary by Larry Wilson (8 hr 34 min)


Dedication and Prefatory Note 4:19 Read by Larry Wilson
A Word to the Beginner 22:09 Read by BettyB
Horned Grebe - Black Tern 16:15 Read by C. B. Seyfarth
Double-crested Cormorant - Blue-winged Teal 21:22 Read by Stunning
Shoveler - Bufflehead 21:06 Read by Shelly Hobson Higgins
Old Squaw - Least Bittern 22:36 Read by C. B. Seyfarth
Great Blue Heron - Florida Gallinule 20:32 Read by Mike JancART
Coot - Lesser Yellow-legs 22:34 Read by Rita Boutros
Solitary Sandpiper - Bob-White 22:01 Read by Rita Boutros
Ruffed Grouse - Sharp-shinned Hawk 16:30 Read by Inkell
Cooper’s Hawk - Bald Eagle 18:36 Read by Inkell
Duck Hawk - Short-eared Owl 21:34 Read by Rita Boutros
Barred Owl - Belted Kingfisher 20:30 Read by C. B. Seyfarth
Hairy Woodpecker - Whip-poor-will 21:24 Read by Michele Fry
Nighthawk - Least Flycatcher 20:27 Read by hearmeout7
Horned Lark - Bobolink 17:26 Read by hearmeout7
Cowbird - Pine Grosbeak 22:54 Read by Michele Fry
Purple Finch - Vesper Sparrow 19:27 Read by prajak
Savannah Sparrow - Swamp Sparrow 22:49 Read by prajak
Fox Sparrow - Barn Swallow 22:17 Read by prajak
Tree Swallow; White-bellied Swallow - Blue-headed Vireo 19:30 Read by Doreen Marcotte
Black and White Warbler - Magnolia Warbler 19:39 Read by J. M. Smallheer
Cerulean Warbler - Ovenbird 16:36 Read by J. M. Smallheer
Northern Water-Thrush - Mockingbird 21:32 Read by Michele Fry
Catbird - Tufted Titmouse 21:27 Read by C. B. Seyfarth
Black-capped Chickadee - Bluebird 18:50 Read by C. B. Seyfarth