The Evergreen, A Northern Seasonal. Spring 1895

Read by Phil Benson

The Evergreen was a short lived seasonal magazine, edited by William Sharp (Fiona Macleod) and published by Patrick Geddes, which proposed a nature-based Celtic renaissance as an alternative to late 19th century Decadence. In contrast to the Romantics, the Celtic revivalists advocated urban renewal, rather than a return to nature, an idea that would be developed in Patrick Geddes' later and more well-known work on town planning. The first volume of The Evergreen is an eclectic collection of short fiction, poetry, literary criticism, philosophy and visual art on the theme of spring. - Summary by Phil Benson (3 hr 16 min)


Proem by William Macdonald and J. Arthur Thompson 17:35 Read by Phil Benson
A Procession of Causes by William Macdonald 2:14 Read by Phil Benson
Germinal, Floreal, Prairial by J. Arthur Thomson 11:09 Read by Phil Benson
Life and its Science by Patrick Geddes 22:39 Read by Phil Benson
Old English Spring by Hugo Laubach 2:22 Read by Phil Benson
Lengthening Days by W. G. Burn-Murdoch 5:05 Read by Phil Benson
Day and Night by Fiona Macleod 0:43 Read by Phil Benson
A Carol of Youth by Hugo Laubach 1:06 Read by Phil Benson
Ayne Playnt of Luve by Pittendrigh Macgillivray 1:30 Read by Phil Benson
From Four Easter Letters by Anon. 7:04 Read by Phil Benson
The Crows: A Child Poem by Gabriel Setoun 1:50 Read by Phil Benson
My Sweetheart by Riccardo Stephens 0:54 Read by Phil Benson
The Return by J.J. Henderson 15:04 Read by Phil Benson
Spring in Languedoc by Dorothy Herbertson 5:32 Read by Phil Benson
Awakenings in History by Victor V. Branford 13:14 Read by Phil Benson
Junge Leiden: A Spring Trouble by William Macdonald 1:13 Read by Phil Benson
La Littérature Nouvelle en France by Charles Saroléa 16:27 Read by Phil Benson
The Bandruidh by Fiona Macleod 2:57 Read by Phil Benson
The Anointed Man by Fiona Macleod 11:54 Read by Phil Benson
The Norland Wind by William Sharp 0:57 Read by Phil Benson
The Land of Lorne and the Satirists of Taynuilt by Alexander Carmichael 11:21 Read by Phil Benson
Gledha's Wooing by John Geddie 3:22 Read by Phil Benson
An Evening in June by Gabriel Setoun 14:05 Read by Phil Benson
Northern Springtime by A. J. Herbertson 5:03 Read by Phil Benson
The Scots Renascence by Patrick Geddes 20:57 Read by Phil Benson