Lords of the Stratosphere

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

(4 stars; 12 reviews)

What if space flight were homegrown? Not subject to mandatory information release and press conferences. After one goes up and doesn't return, what could be the strange occurrences that begin on Earth be ascribed to? Join earths best and brightest scientists to find out! (Summary by Christine Rottger) (2 hr 27 min)


Chapter 1: The Take-off 14:23 Read by ToddHW
Chapter 2: The Ghostly Columns 12:46 Read by Paul Hampton
Chapter 3: Strange Levitation 14:51 Read by Paul Hampton
Chapter 4: Frantic Scheming 13:25 Read by Christine Rottger
Chapter 5: Into the Void 10:33 Read by Christine Rottger
Chapter 6: Stratosphere Currents 8:35 Read by Chris Buchanan
Chapter 7: Invisible Globe 13:22 Read by Chris Buchanan
Chapter 8: Cataclysmic Hunger 11:30 Read by 65tux
Chapter 9: A Scheme is Described 14:46 Read by 65tux
Chapter 10: How It Came About 11:52 Read by Cobby J. Caros
Chapter 11: To the Rescue 14:53 Read by Paul Hampton
Chapter 12: High Chaos 6:14 Read by Nichole Di Dio