Adventures in Idealism

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Professor H. L. Sabsovich is recognized as one of the foremost figures in the field of Jewish social service. A great part of his active life was given to the work of the Baron de Hirsch Fund, and he distinguished himself as a visionary thinker as well as an excellent administrator and, significantly, the Builder of Woodbine, the Woodbine Agricultural School, and later as General Agent for the Baron de Hirsch Fund. (5 hr 19 min)


Foreword 2:44 Read by KevinS
School Days in Russia 10:52 Read by KevinS
Odessa and the Pogrom 14:57 Read by KevinS
From Law to Agriculture 6:07 Read by KevinS
Among the Don Cossacks 20:25 Read by KevinS
Facing the New World 14:12 Read by KevinS
Pioneering with the Pioneers 8:13 Read by KevinS
A Call to the Land 8:07 Read by Emma Burchette
Opening of the Woodbine Tract 13:40 Read by KevinS
Building the Colony 16:37 Read by KevinS
The First Problems 19:24 Read by VO Gal
Unrest Among the Colonists 17:16 Read by RebeccaTruestone
Added Industries 4:03 Read by RebeccaTruestone
Strengthening the New Allegiance 11:24 Read by RebeccaTruestone
Bringing Science to the Farmers 8:56 Read by queenofcheckmate
A Pioneer of Agricultural Schools 11:46 Read by CalebSchroeder
Woodbine Entertains 5:56 Read by Verla Viera
New Institutions 6:52 Read by Verla Viera
The Colony Incorporates 12:22 Read by Verla Viera
Recollections 8:40 Read by Verla Viera
In the Hearts of His People 6:41 Read by Verla Viera
The Practical Idealist 8:50 Read by Keith Michael
A Pioneer Social Worker 6:44 Read by VO Gal
A Life Nobly Lived 32:27 Read by Yi Fan
Our Teacher 7:25 Read by TonyMezz
The Baron de Hirsch Agricultural School 9:09 Read by TonyMezz
The Jewish Farmers' Best Friend 17:14 Read by Larry Wilson
The Leader of Jewish Agriculture in America 8:14 Read by Larry Wilson