Joseph in the Snow, and The Clockmaker. Vol. III

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

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Surely you've heard it said that you don't just marry the individual, you marry their whole family. Though perhaps at first kindhearted Lenz could only see good in Annele's family, he will soon discover to his distress that misplaced trust can be ruinous. Then too, Lenz can be moody and distant and he is too much a dreamer and too soft a touch to be a good businessman. Just ask Annele!

Well, we all have our faults and every marriage has its ups and downs. The marriage of Lenz and Annele will last only if they find a way forward together.
Indeed, if they do not unite in the face of the perils that are in store for them, and unless there is the support of those who love them, they may not survive at all!
- Summary by Brian Fullen (5 hr 17 min)