Poland: A Study of the Land, People and Literature

Read by Piotr Nater

"I had accepted an invitation to deliver three lectures in French in the town-hall of Warsaw." Thus begins the description of the first of several travels of the author, a well-known Danish literary critic, to what was then known as "Russian Poland". During the course of several such travels, spanning more than a decade, he familiarizes himself with the conditions of life in all three parts of Poland, giving the reader an account of the situation of the language, theatre, everyday life and certain points of the law looming large in the lives of Poles.
In the second part of the book the reader receives a summary of the author's opinion about various works of literature with special emphasis on the great poets of Romanticism, i.e., Adam Mickiewicz, Juliusz Słowacki and Zygmunt Krasiński (Summary by Piotr Nater) (11 hr 19 min)


Section 1 (Observations and Appreciations) (First Impression) 18:04 Read by Piotr Nater
Section 2 25:36 Read by Piotr Nater
Section 3 18:50 Read by Piotr Nater
Section 4 23:50 Read by Piotr Nater
Section 5 18:51 Read by Piotr Nater
Section 6 (Second Impression) 4:00 Read by Piotr Nater
Section 7 9:12 Read by Piotr Nater
Section 8 18:06 Read by Piotr Nater
Section 9 28:46 Read by Piotr Nater
Section 10 15:52 Read by Piotr Nater
Section 11 17:40 Read by Piotr Nater
Section 12 7:05 Read by Piotr Nater
Section 13 16:45 Read by Piotr Nater
Section 14 (Third Impression) 9:15 Read by Piotr Nater
Section 15 14:27 Read by Piotr Nater
Section 16 12:55 Read by Piotr Nater
Section 17 16:58 Read by Piotr Nater
Section 18 14:00 Read by Piotr Nater
Section 19 14:17 Read by Piotr Nater
Section 20 16:45 Read by Piotr Nater
Section 21 11:58 Read by Piotr Nater
Section 22 14:21 Read by Piotr Nater
Section 23 (Fourth Impression) 43:53 Read by Piotr Nater
Section 24 (The Romantic Literature of Poland in the Nineteenth Century) 10:02 Read by Piotr Nater
Section 25 16:20 Read by Piotr Nater
Section 26 37:09 Read by Piotr Nater
Section 27 20:07 Read by Piotr Nater
Section 28 35:44 Read by Piotr Nater
Section 29 33:21 Read by Piotr Nater
Section 30 39:42 Read by Piotr Nater
Section 31 29:14 Read by Piotr Nater
Section 32 29:21 Read by Piotr Nater
Section 33 31:19 Read by Piotr Nater
Section 34 (Conclusion) 5:43 Read by Piotr Nater