The Viaduct Murder

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

(3.8 stars; 18 reviews)

A badly battered corpse is found on the golf links. The first verdict was suicide; but four leisurely gentlemen staying at the country club thought differently, and so did the police. Several times the mystery seems to be solved conclusively; the evidence seems to be complete; but there is a flaw in the logic and the search begins anew. The final explanation proves for the detectives, as for all people, that the obvious things are the best concealed.

The complications and mystery of the narrative will please one class of readers. but another group will be more delighted with the cultured argumentations of the four amateur detectives. In directing their talk, Father Knox shows an amazing of perspicacity (Summary from America Magazine, 1926) (6 hr 19 min)


The Paston Oatvile Dormy-House 23:15 Read by ToddHW
In the Rough 15:18 Read by Shade13
Piecing it Together 15:12 Read by Paul Williams Jr
Endless Clues 14:47 Read by Paul Williams Jr
On the Railway 13:11 Read by purplepudding
The Movements of Mr. Davenant 15:42 Read by James R. Hedrick
Carmichael's Account of it 13:04 Read by Yoganandh T
The Inquest, and a Fresh Clue 12:46 Read by Yoganandh T
The Animated Picture 14:04 Read by James Hutchisson
In Which a Book is More Communicative Then a Lady 16:44 Read by James Hutchisson
A Funeral and a Vigil 16:05 Read by Shade13
A Search with Piano Accompaniment 17:44 Read by tjfria
The Man in the Passage 16:35 Read by tjfria
A Chase, Ending with a Surprise 15:08 Read by tjfria
Gordon Takes the Opportunity to Philosophize 15:21 Read by ToddHW
Reeves Promises to do His Best 13:17 Read by Yoganandh T
By Which Train? 12:59 Read by Yoganandh T
The Holmes Method 15:04 Read by ToddHW
Mordaunt Reeves Talks to Himself 18:11 Read by Nigel Kerr
Proof at Last 14:31 Read by Sagar Patke
The Test 13:24 Read by Sagar Patke
In the Fog 10:05 Read by ToddHW
Marryatt Breaks the Pledge 12:33 Read by Sagar Patke
Gordon Offers the Consolation of Philosophy 16:14 Read by Sagar Patke
The Dull Facts 18:17 Read by Stat51


Quirky u

(3.5 stars)

Not your usual detective story. The amateur detectives let their imaginations get the best of them. But still amusing enough overall.