Commentaries on the Laws of England. Book 2: Of the Rights of Things.

Read by Roy Haines

(5 stars; 1 reviews)

The Commentaries on the Laws of England by Sir William Blackstone, are a prominent and authoritative 18th century dissertation on the common law of England which not only pertains to that country, but is also at the foundation of the American legal system. They were widely read and a huge influence on America's Founding Fathers and, to this day, are occasionally quoted in U.S. Supreme Court decisions when expounding upon principals of universal and enduring human justice.

The commentaries were divided into four books: On the Rights of Persons, On the Rights of Things, Of Private Wrongs, and Of Public Wrongs. This second volume deals chiefly with the English laws regarding property both real (of land) and personal, and the origin and history thereof. (Summary by the reader, Roy Haines)
(21 hr 12 min)


Chapter 1 Of Property, in General - Part 1 17:34 Read by Roy Haines
Chapter 1 Of Property, in General - Part 2 19:08 Read by Roy Haines
Chapter 2 Of Real Property; and, First, of Corporeal Hereditaments 8:06 Read by Roy Haines
Chapter 3 Of Incorporeal Hereditaments - Part 1 21:03 Read by Roy Haines
Chapter 3 Of Incorporeal Hereditaments - Part 2 20:06 Read by Roy Haines
Chapter 3 Of Incorporeal Hereditaments - Part 3 21:54 Read by Roy Haines
Chapter 4 Of the Feudal System - Part 1 21:09 Read by Roy Haines
Chapter 4 Of the Feudal System - Part 2 15:23 Read by Roy Haines
Chapter 5 Of the Ancient English Tenures - Part 1 19:32 Read by Roy Haines
Chapter 5 Of the Ancient English Tenures - Part 2 26:58 Read by Roy Haines
Chapter 6 Of the Modern English Tenures - Part 1 19:22 Read by Roy Haines
Chapter 6 Of the Modern English Tenures - Part 2 22:09 Read by Roy Haines
Chapter 6 Of the Modern English Tenures - Part 3 20:56 Read by Roy Haines
Chapter 7 Of Freehold Estates, of Inheritance - Part 1 23:39 Read by Roy Haines
Chapter 7 Of Freehold Estates, of Inheritance - Part 2 18:19 Read by Roy Haines
Chapter 8 Of Freeholds, Not of Inheritance - Part 1 21:57 Read by Roy Haines
Chapter 8 Of Freeholds, Not of Inheritance - Part 2 24:18 Read by Roy Haines
Chapter 9 Of Estates, Less than Freehold 26:57 Read by Roy Haines
Chapter 10 Of Estates upon Condition 27:18 Read by Roy Haines
Chapter 11 Of Estates in Possession, Remainder, and Reversion - Part 1 21:38 Read by Roy Haines
Chapter 11 Of Estates in Possession, Remainder, and Reversion - Part 2 18:51 Read by Roy Haines
Chapter 12 Of Estates in Severalty, Joint-Tenancy, Coparcenary, and Common - Pa… 21:40 Read by Roy Haines
Chapter 12 Of Estates in Severalty, Joint-Tenancy, Coparcenary, and Common - Pa… 19:32 Read by Roy Haines
Chapter 13 Of the Title to Things Real, in General 12:06 Read by Roy Haines
Chapter 14 Of Title by Descent - Part 1 15:33 Read by Roy Haines
Chapter 14 Of Title by Descent - Part 2 21:29 Read by Roy Haines
Chapter 14 Of Title by Descent - Part 3 18:28 Read by Roy Haines
Chapter 14 Of Title by Descent - Part 4 17:32 Read by Roy Haines
Chapter 14 Of Title by Descent - Part 5 26:48 Read by Roy Haines
Chapter 15 Of Title by Purchase, And First by Escheat - Part 1 22:14 Read by Roy Haines
Chapter 15 Of Title by Purchase, And First by Escheat - Part 2 20:20 Read by Roy Haines
Chapter 16 Of Title by Occupancy 12:24 Read by Roy Haines
Chapter 17 Of Title by Prescription 9:35 Read by Roy Haines
Chapter 18 Of Title by Forfeiture - Part 1 23:07 Read by Roy Haines
Chapter 18 Of Title by Forfeiture - Part 2 26:39 Read by Roy Haines
Chapter 19 Of Title by Alienation 19:36 Read by Roy Haines
Chapter 20 Of Alienation by Deed - Part 1 24:43 Read by Roy Haines
Chapter 20 Of Alienation by Deed - Part 2 11:56 Read by Roy Haines
Chapter 20 Of Alienation by Deed - Part 3 21:00 Read by Roy Haines
Chapter 20 Of Alienation by Deed - Part 4 25:09 Read by Roy Haines
Chapter 20 Of Alienation by Deed - Part 5 22:22 Read by Roy Haines
Chapter 20 Of Alienation by Deed - Part 6 17:18 Read by Roy Haines
Chapter 21 Of Alienation by Matter of Record - Part 1 24:26 Read by Roy Haines
Chapter 21 Of Alienation by Matter of Record - Part 2 29:02 Read by Roy Haines
Chapter 22 Of Alienation by Special Custom 18:43 Read by Roy Haines
Chapter 23 Of Alienation by Devise 26:16 Read by Roy Haines
Chapter 24 Of Things Personal 10:38 Read by Roy Haines
Chapter 25 Of Property in Things Personal 26:29 Read by Roy Haines
Chapter 26 Of Title to Things Personal by Occupancy 19:15 Read by Roy Haines
Chapter 27 Of Title by Prerogative, And Forfeiture - Part 1 19:40 Read by Roy Haines
Chapter 27 Of Title by Prerogative, And Forfeiture - Part 2 15:17 Read by Roy Haines
Chapter 28 Of Title by Custom 19:40 Read by Roy Haines
Chapter 29 Of Title by Succession, Marriage, and Judgment 21:52 Read by Roy Haines
Chapter 30 Of Title by Gift, Grant, and Contract - Part 1 30:59 Read by Roy Haines
Chapter 30 Of Title by Gift, Grant, and Contract - Part 2 27:08 Read by Roy Haines
Chapter 30 Of Title by Gift, Grant, and Contract - Part 3 16:57 Read by Roy Haines
Chapter 31 Of Title by Bankruptcy - Part 1 20:26 Read by Roy Haines
Chapter 31 Of Title by Bankruptcy - Part 2 21:35 Read by Roy Haines
Chapter 32 Of Title by Testament, and Administration - Part 1 25:24 Read by Roy Haines
Chapter 32 Of Title by Testament, and Administration - Part 2 26:31 Read by Roy Haines
Chapter 32 Of Title by Testament, and Administration - Part 3 26:02 Read by Roy Haines