Rome and Carthage: The Punic Wars

Read by Pamela Nagami

(4.8 stars; 9 reviews)

The Punic Wars (264-146 B.C.) were a series of conflicts between the rapidly expanding Roman Republic and the Phoenician Sea empire, Carthage. Both sides expended enormous resources assembling armies and building and rebuilding fleets. Hannibal crossed the Alps and the Romans, for the first time, confronted war elephants. The struggle featured heroic personalities, brilliant battles, terrible sieges, cruelty, craft, and for Carthage, devastation and ruin. (Summary by Pamela Nagami, M.D.) (9 hr 11 min)


Ch. 1: Carthage, Pt. 1 21:45 Read by Pamela Nagami
Ch. 1: Carthage, Pt. 2 24:10 Read by Pamela Nagami
Ch. 2: Rome 13:51 Read by Pamela Nagami
Ch. 3: First Punic War. Messana and Agrigentum (264-262 B.C.) 19:21 Read by Pamela Nagami
Ch. 4: First Roman Fleet. Battles of Mylae and Ecnomus (262-256 B.C.) 27:22 Read by Pamela Nagami
Ch. 5: Invasion of Africa. Regulus and Xanthippus (256-250 B.C.), Pt. 1 22:28 Read by Pamela Nagami
Ch. 5: Invasion of Africa. Regulus and Xanthippus (256-250 B.C.),, Pt. 2 20:54 Read by Pamela Nagami
Ch. 6: Hamilcar Barca and the Siege of Lilybaeum (250-241 B.C.), Pt. 1 25:45 Read by Pamela Nagami
Ch. 6: Hamilcar Barca and the Siege of Lilybaeum (250-241 B.C.), Pt. 2 20:11 Read by Pamela Nagami
Ch. 7: Hamilcar Barca and the Mercenary War (241-238 B.C.) 12:33 Read by Pamela Nagami
Ch. 8: Hamilcar Barca in Africa and Spain (238-219 B.C.) 25:58 Read by Pamela Nagami
Ch. 9: Second Punic War (218-201 B.C.), the Passage of the Rhone and the Alps, … 24:49 Read by Pamela Nagami
Ch. 10: Battles of Trebia and Trasimene (218-217 B.C.) 30:28 Read by Pamela Nagami
Ch. 11: Hannibal Overruns Central Italy (217-216 B.C.) 21:42 Read by Pamela Nagami
Ch. 12: Battle of Cannae. Character of Hannibal (216 B.C.), Pt. 1 17:56 Read by Pamela Nagami
Ch. 12: Battle of Cannae. Character of Hannibal (216 B.C.), Pt. 2 25:11 Read by Pamela Nagami
Ch. 13: Revolt of Capua. Siege of Syracuse (216-212 B.C.) 22:24 Read by Pamela Nagami
Ch. 14: Siege of Capua and Hannibal's March on Rome (212-208 B.C.) 25:17 Read by Pamela Nagami
Ch. 15: Battle of the Metaurus (207 B.C.) 12:37 Read by Pamela Nagami
Ch. 16: P. Cornelius Scipio (210-206 B.C.) 16:47 Read by Pamela Nagami
Ch. 17: The War in Africa. Battle of Zama (206-202 B.C.), Pt. 1 26:21 Read by Pamela Nagami
Ch. 17: The War in Africa. Battle of Zama (206-202 B.C.), Pt. 2 21:58 Read by Pamela Nagami
Ch. 18: Carthage at the Mercy of Rome (201-150 B.C.) 21:38 Read by Pamela Nagami
Ch. 19: Destruction of Carthage (149-146 B.C.), Pt. 1 22:37 Read by Pamela Nagami
Ch. 19: Destruction of Carthage (149-146 B.C.), Pt. 2 27:39 Read by Pamela Nagami


excellent book and excellent reader. she always does a fantastic

(5 stars)

a must listen. very well done and very well researched

Great, Great, Great

(5 stars)

Wonderful reader. Does a perfect job. Cant praise enough. Clear and easy to understand. Same is true of the text, NOT overblown but neither is it simplistic

(5 stars)

Fascinating history, great characters and really well read.