The History of the Popes During the Last Four Centuries, Volume 1

Read by Pamela Nagami

Leopold von Ranke was a German Lutheran historian and a founder of modern historical writing based on primary sources. This is a panoramic account of the reigns of the 16th century popes. Pope Clement VII's French alliance leads to the sack of Rome by imperial troops. Pope Paul III devotes his reign to the political aggrandizement of his grandsons, only to be betrayed by them in the end. The implacable inquisitor, Gian Pietro Carafa becomes Pope Paul IV, but in his hatred of Spain, he is willing to enlist the Protestants and even the Turks as allies. It was Ranke who coined the term Counter-Reformation and in this book, he describes the career of Ignatius Loyola and the subsequent Jesuit reconquest for the Catholic Church of much of Protestant Europe. (Summary by Pamela Nagami, M.D.) (21 hr 10 min)


Author's Preface 19:05 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. I, Introduction, Ch. 1: Epochs of the Papacy, A.D. 1-1500, Pt. 1. Christian… 19:17 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 1, Ch. 1, Pt. 2. The Papacy in Connection with the Frankish Empire 17:06 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 1, Ch. 1, Pt. 3. Relation of the Popes to the German Emperors--Internal Pro… 20:27 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 1, Ch. 1, Pt. 4. Contrasts between the Fourteenth and the Fifteenth Centuri… 17:27 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 1, Ch. 2: The Church and her Territories in the Beginning of the Sixteenth … 24:34 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 1, Ch. 2, Pt. 2. Growth of a Secular Spirit in the Church 8:06 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 1, Ch. 2, Pt. 3. Intellectual Tendency 24:01 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 1, Ch. 2, Pt. 4. Opposition to the Papacy in Germany 7:44 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 1, Ch. 3: Political Complications--Connection between These and the Reforma… 19:11 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 1, Ch. 3, Pt. 2. Under Adrian VI 12:08 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 1, Ch. 3, Pt. 3. Under Clement VII, Section 1 19:29 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 1, Ch. 3, Pt. 3. Under Clement VII, Section 2 17:16 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 1, Ch. 3, Pt. 3. Under Clement VII, Section 3 17:57 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 2, Beginning of a Regeneration of Catholicism, Pt. 1: Opinions Analogous to… 24:46 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 2, Pt. 2: Attempts at Internal Reform and Reconciliation with the Protestan… 22:14 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 2, Pt. 2: Attempts at Internal Reform and Reconciliation with the Protestan… 19:46 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 2, Pt. 3: New Religious Orders 16:09 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 2, Pt. 4: Ignatius Loyola, Section 1 16:17 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 2, Pt. 4: Ignatius Loyola, Section 2 17:10 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 2, Pt. 5: First Sittings of the Council of Trent 16:10 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 2, Pt. 6: The Inquisition 17:10 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 2, Pt. 7: Further Progress of the Jesuit Institution, Section 1 17:44 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 2, Pt. 7: Further Progress of the Jesuit Institution and Conclusion, Sectio… 20:09 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 3: The Popes About the Middle of the Sixteenth Century, Pt. 1: Paul III, Se… 20:12 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 3, Pt. 1: Paul III, Section 2 23:09 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 3, Pt. 1: Paul III, Section 3 19:09 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 3, Pt. 2: Julius III--Marcellus II 16:48 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 3, Pt. 3: Paul IV, Section 1 17:07 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 3, Pt. 3: Paul IV, Section 2 17:16 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 3. Pt. 3: Paul IV, Section 3 20:04 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 3, Pt. 4: Remarks on the Progress of Protestantism During the Pontificate o… 13:18 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 3, Pt. 5: Pius IV 20:06 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 3, Pt. 6: Later Sittings of the Council of Trent, Section 1 23:47 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 3, Pt. 6: Later Sittings of the Council of Trent, Section 2 16:11 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 3, Pt. 7: Pius V, Section 1 19:19 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 3, Pt. 7: Pius V, Section 2 15:29 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 3, Pt. 7: Pius V, Section 3 15:28 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 4: State and Court--Times of Gregory XIII and Sixtus V, Pt. 1: Administrati… 21:18 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 4, Pt. 1: Administration of the States of the Church, Section 2 20:14 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 4, Pt. 2: Finances, Section 1 14:49 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 4, Pt. 2: Finances, Section 2 19:53 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 4, Pt. 3: Gregory XIII, Section 1 18:07 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 4, Pt. 3: Gregory XIII, Section 2 14:55 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 4, Pt. 4: Sixtus V 20:28 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 4, Pt. 5: Extirpation of the Banditti 8:59 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 4, Pt. 6: Leading Characteristics of the Administration 17:10 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 4, Pt. 7: Finances 18:15 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 4, Pt. 8: The Public Buildings of Sixtus V 22:50 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 4, Pt. 9: General Change in the Intellectual Tendency of the Age, Section1 17:40 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 4, Pt. 9: General Change in the Intellectual tendency of the Age, Section 2 17:08 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 4, Pt. 10: The Curia, Section 1 16:33 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 4, Pt. 10: The Curia, Section 2 20:12 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 5: Counter-Reformation--First Period, 1563-1589, Pt. 1: State of Protestant… 16:22 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 5, Pt. 1: State of Protestantism about the Year 1563, Section 2 13:07 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 5, Pt. 2: Resources Possessed by the Papacy for Active Conflict 10:19 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 5, Pt. 3: The First Jesuit Schools in Germany 21:57 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 5, Pt. 4: Beginning of the Counter-Reformation in Germany, Section 1 15:40 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 5, Pt. 4: Beginning of the Counter-Reformation in Germany, Section 2 16:44 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 5, Pt. 5: Troubles in the Netherlands and France 25:40 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 5, Pt. 6: Resistance of the Protestants in the Netherlands, France, and Ger… 18:56 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 5, Pt. 7: Contrasts Exhibited in Other Parts of Europe--Poland, Sweden, Eng… 13:44 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 5, Pt. 7: Contrasts Exhibited in Other Parts of Europe--Poland, Sweden, Eng… 12:38 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 5, Pt. 8: Crisis in the Netherlands, Section 1 16:58 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 5, Pt. 8: Crisis in the Netherlands, Section 2 17:31 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 5, Pt. 9: Progress of the Counter-Reformation in Germany, Section 1 20:19 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 5, Pt. 9: Progress of the Counter-Reformation in Germany, Section 2 18:47 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 5, Pt. 9: Progress of the Counter-Reformation in Germany, Section 3 21:29 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 5, Section 10: The League 21:39 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 5, Pt. 11: Savoy and Switzerland 6:13 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 5, Pt. 12: Attack on England 16:24 Read by Pamela Nagami
Bk. 5, Pt. 13: Assassination of Henry III 8:59 Read by Pamela Nagami