Love Poems by Famous Authors

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

(5 stars; 1 reviews)

A collection of love poems, including the balcony scene from Romeo & Juliet, Tristram & Iseult, and selections from many authors including Lord Byron, Robert Burns, Robert Browning, Tennyson, and many more.

Roles in Romeo and Juliet, read by Librivox volunteers:
Romeo: Greg Giordano
Juliet: Irene Rubio
Narrator: Alan Mapstone

Roles in Tristram and Iseult I, read by Librivox volunteers:
Narrator: redrun
Tristram: Greg Giordano
The Page: nighthawks

Roles in Tristram and Iseult II, read by Librivox volunteers:

Narrator: Redrun
Tristram: Greg Giordano
Iseult: Elyse
Huntsman: Alan Mapstone
Dames: stepheather

(Summary by Krista Zaleski) (6 hr 16 min)


The Lay of the Last Minstrel 0:47 Read by Laurie Banza
A Ditty by Sir Philip Sidney 1:13 Read by Laurie Banza
On a Girdle by Edmund Waller 0:45 Read by Soeun (Kelly) Park
Love alters not by William Shakespeare 0:55 Read by Soeun (Kelly) Park
At the Church Gate by William Makepeace Thackeray 1:10 Read by Soeun (Kelly) Park
Britain's Ida by Edmund Spenser 1:00 Read by Laurie Banza
Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare 11:25 Read by LibriVox Volunteers
To Celia by Ben Jonson 1:19 Read by nighthawks
Why so Wan and Pale? by Sir John Suckling 1:15 Read by nighthawks
A Ma Future by Edwin Arnold 1:51 Read by czandra
Serenade by Thomas Hood 1:23 Read by Laurie Banza
Ae Fond Kiss by Robert Burns 2:10 Read by Kerry Adams
Highland Mary by Robert Burns 2:26 Read by Kerry Adams
Come, Rest in this Bosom by Thomas Moore 1:33 Read by nighthawks
She was a Phantom of Delight by William Wordsworth 2:13 Read by Laurie Banza
She walks in Beauty by Lord Byron 1:26 Read by Greg Giordano
Ruth by Thomas Hood 1:38 Read by nighthawks
When we Two Parted by Lord Byron 1:47 Read by Laurie Banza
To the Lady Hamilton by Hon. William Robert Spencer 1:10 Read by nighthawks
Angel and Woman by Thomas Parnell 1:21 Read by nighthawks
Immortality of Love by Robert Southey 1:29 Read by nighthawks
From " The Angel in the House " by Coventry Patmore 3:48 Read by czandra
A Red, Red Rose by Robert Burns 1:29 Read by Cheree Buesing
Drama by Percy Bysshe Shelley 0:48 Read by kaylawhy
The Indian Serenade by Percy Bysshe Shelley 1:21 Read by czandra
To Lucasta, On going to the Wars by Richard Lovelace 1:10 Read by Kerry Adams
Tis Sweet to think by Thomas Moore 1:36 Read by czandra
The Evening Time by A.C.C. 2:27 Read by Laurie Banza
Lines by William Wordsworth 0:56 Read by Greg Giordano
Eros by Ralph Waldo Emerson 0:34 Read by Nathali Carrera
The Day-Dream by Alfred Tennyson 1:56 Read by Nathali Carrera
The Flower o' Dumblane by Robert Tannahill 2:37 Read by nighthawks
When Sun are in the Quiet Skies by Edward Bulwer 1:18 Read by kaylawhy
I.ove's Thread of Gold by Jean Ingelow 1:25 Read by nbvoices
Millais's "Huguenots " by London Spectator 4:55 Read by Alan Mapstone
Good-Night by Percy Bysshe Shelley 1:02 Read by Greg Giordano
Hearts by Adelaide Anne Procter 1:11 Read by Izzy Barbieri
A Heart for Every One by Charles Swain 1:42 Read by nighthawks
I waited till the Twilight by Charles Swain 1:30 Read by Laurie Banza
Rest from All the Year Round 2:35 Read by nighthawks
Twin Stars Aloft by Charles Kingsley 1:06 Read by Greg Giordano
Love took me softly by the Hand by Anonymous 1:25 Read by Laurie Banza
Song, “Nay but you...” by Robert Browning 1:18 Read by Greg Giordano
Song, “When Sparrows build...” by Jean Ingelow 1:47 Read by czandra
Destiny by Edwin Arnold 1:08 Read by Kerry Adams
Light by Francis W. Bourdillon 0:47 Read by Laurie Banza
Cupid's Arrow by Eliza Cook 1:16 Read by Izzy Barbieri
Two Lovers by George Eliot 2:05 Read by Henry K. Noble
The Low-backed Car by Samuel Lover 2:14 Read by czandra
Come into the Garden, Maud by Alfred Tennyson 4:27 Read by Alan Mapstone
Sonnets by Christina G. Rossetti 3:51 Read by Alan Mapstone
Because by Adelaide Anne Procter 1:51 Read by Henry K. Noble
The Banks of Doon by Robert Burns 1:35 Read by Kerry Adams
I Love My Jean by Robert Burns 1:28 Read by Kerry Adams
A Valediction by Elizabeth Barrett Browning 2:46 Read by czandra
A Chain by Adelaide Anne Procter 2:50 Read by Henry K. Noble
Love Wakes And Weeps by Sir Walter Scott 1:04 Read by Henry K. Noble
In Three Days by Robert Browning 2:21 Read by Henry K. Noble
The Bonnie Wee Thing by Robert Burns 1:32 Read by Kerry Adams
Annie Laurie by Douglas of Finland 1:38 Read by Alan Mapstone
I'll Never Love Thee More by James Graham, Marquis of Montress 1:57 Read by Henry K. Noble
Rosalind's Madrigal by Thomas Lodge 1:39 Read by Doreen Marcotte
Song, “Pack clouds away...” by Thomas Heywood 1:11 Read by Doreen Marcotte
Song, “Ask me no more...” by Thomas Carew 1:03 Read by Carl Hicks
The Passionate Shepherd to his Love by Christopher Marlowe 1:36 Read by Alan Mapstone
Move Eastward, Happy Earth by Alfred Tennyson 1:04 Read by Greg Giordano
Serenade, “Now the toils of day are over...” by William Makepeace Thackeray 1:08 Read by jenno
My Star by Robert Browning 0:43 Read by Izzy Barbieri
When Thou Art Near Me by Lady John Scott 1:13 Read by Laurie Banza
One Morning, Oh! So Early by Jean Ingelow 1:25 Read by czandra
Before the Daybreak by Francis W. Bourdillon 1:05 Read by jenno
A Warning by Adelaide Anne Procter 1:56 Read by jenno
To Mary by William Makepeace Thackeray 1:00 Read by jenno
The Invitation by Percy Bysshe Shelley 2:22 Read by jenno
The Miller's Daughter by Alfred Tennyson 1:08 Read by czandra
A Voice by the Cedar Tree by Alfred Tennyson 1:49 Read by Larry Wilson
Divided by Jean Ingelow 7:22 Read by czandra
A Bird-Song by Christina G. Rossetti and Untitled by Anonymous 1:49 Read by mleigh
To Althea, from Prison by Richard Lovelace 0:57 Read by jenno
Song from the Princess by Alfred Tennyson 3:18 Read by dc
Song of the Violet by William Makepeace Thackeray 1:34 Read by Audrey Fairchild
Love in a Life by Robert Browning 1:21 Read by Alan Mapstone
Love from Chambers' Journal 2:16 Read by nighthawks
Life in a Love by Robert Browning 1:30 Read by Alan Mapstone
Not ours the Vows by Bernard Barton 1:42 Read by nighthawks
For the Future by Adelaide Anne Procter 2:09 Read by czandra
Comfort from “All The Year Round” 2:07 Read by Audrey Fairchild
Seven Times Three. Love by Jean Ingelow 2:10 Read by Andrea O'Donnell
The Violet by Sir Walter Scott 1:09 Read by mleigh
Song, “In Love, if Love be Love...” by Alfred Tennyson 1:14 Read by Audrey Fairchild
One Way of Love by Robert Browning 1:32 Read by Greg Giordano
Switzerland by Matthew Arnold 16:35 Read by jenno
Evelyn Hope by Robert Browning 4:35 Read by Greg Giordano
Song, “Oh, say not, my Love...” by Sir Walter Scott 1:25 Read by Audrey Fairchild
Wisteria from “All the Year Round” 2:11 Read by Izzy Barbieri
Sonnet by Michael Angelo, translated by William Wordsworth 1:23 Read by Alan Mapstone
Married Lovers by Jean Ingelow 3:24 Read by Henry K. Noble
How Many Times by Thomas Lovell Beddoes 0:56 Read by Henry K. Noble
James Lee's Wife by Robert Browning 4:09 Read by Henry K. Noble
The Poet's Bridal-Day Song by Allan Cunninghom 3:13 Read by Henry K. Noble
My Lady Singing by Aubrey de Vere 1:17 Read by Henry K. Noble
Madrigal by Anonymous 0:40 Read by Izzy Barbieri
York and Lancaster by Anonymous 0:56 Read by Kerry Adams
Jeanie Morrison by William Motherwell 6:16 Read by Lynda Marie Neilson
I Met Wi' Her I Luved Yestereen by William Motherwell 2:04 Read by Lynda Marie Neilson
A Woman's Question by Adelaide Anne Procter 2:24 Read by redrun
A Woman's Answer by Adelaide Anne Procter 3:05 Read by redrun
True or False by Adelaide Anne Procter 4:13 Read by nbvoices
I Saw Thee Weep by Lord Byron 1:07 Read by Paul Baguley
Origin of Love by Lord Byron 0:43 Read by Paul Baguley
The Dream by Lord Byron 12:27 Read by Paul Baguley
Love by S. T. Coleridge 4:43 Read by dc
All for Love by Lord Byron 1:23 Read by Filoria
The Lost Love by William Wordsworth 0:40 Read by Izzy Barbieri
“Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?” by William Shakespeare 1:24 Read by Paul Baguley
“She is not fair to outward view” by H. Coleridge 1:10 Read by LaurieB
“Music When Soft Voices Die” by P.B.Shelley 0:57 Read by LaurieB
The True Beauty by T. Carew 1:05 Read by mleigh
To Dianeme by R. Herrick 1:00 Read by nbvoices
“Go, lovely Rose” by E. Waller 1:16 Read by Andrea O'Donnell
Blind Love by William Shakespeare 0:54 Read by Izzy Barbieri
“One word is too often profaned” by P.B.Shelley 0:42 Read by AzaseahRose
Where Shall The Lover Rest by Sir W. Scott 1:18 Read by AzaseahRose
A Birthday by Christina Georgiana Rossetti 1:25 Read by mleigh
From " The Winter's Tale" by William Shakespeare 0:53 Read by Izzy Barbieri
Sonnets from the Portuguese by Elizabeth Barrett Browning 6:57 Read by Larry Wilson
From " The Epithalamlum " by Edmund Spenser 3:04 Read by Lynda Marie Neilson
A Complaint by William Wordsworth 0:58 Read by Izzy Barbieri
To Anthea by Robert Herrick 1:40 Read by Lynda Marie Neilson
Passages from " Paradise Lost " by John Milton 2:26 Read by Alan Mapstone
Song, “I prithee send me back my heart” by Sir John Suckling 1:24 Read by Audrey Fairchild
A Match by Algernon Charles Swinburne 2:25 Read by Audrey Fairchild
Lines by John Keats 0:55 Read by Larry Wilson
If To Thy Heart I Were As Near by William Motherwell 1:40 Read by Lynda Marie Neilson
Caeli by Francis W. Bourdillon 0:46 Read by nbvoices
Gathered Roses by Francis W. Bourdillon 0:46 Read by nbvoices
The Time I've Lost In Wooing by Thomas Moore 0:42 Read by nbvoices
John Anderson, my Jo by Robert Burns 1:15 Read by Lynda Marie Neilson
Faded Leaves by Matthew Arnold 3:00 Read by Alan Mapstone
Urania by Matthew Arnold 2:03 Read by Alan Mapstone
Sir Launcelot and Queen Guinevere by Tennyson 2:51 Read by Alan Mapstone
Guinevere by Tennyson 5:07 Read by Alan Mapstone
Altho' Thou Maun Never Be Mine by Robert Burns 1:13 Read by Lynda Marie Neilson
Changes by Robert Bulwer Lytton 2:04 Read by Larry Wilson
Two Loves by Adelaide Anne Procter 2:00 Read by redrun
King and Slave by Adelaide Anne Procter 1:29 Read by Lynda Marie Neilson
Love by Mrs. Browning 1:05 Read by Larry Wilson
Fidelis by Adelaide Anne Procter 2:43 Read by Lynda Marie Neilson
A Love Token by Adelaide Anne Procter 1:30 Read by redrun
To Mary in Heaven by Robert Burns 2:38 Read by Kerry Adams
Margaret Alone At Her Spinning-Wheel by Goethe 1:48 Read by Alan Mapstone
Margaret to Dolcino by Charles Kingsley 1:10 Read by Lynda Marie Neilson
Dolcino to Margaret by Charles Kingsley 1:06 Read by Lynda Marie Neilson
Love's Omnipresence by J. Sylvester 1:05 Read by stepheather
Inclusions by Mrs. Browning 1:26 Read by Lynda Marie Neilson
Insufficiency by Mrs. Browning 1:22 Read by Lynda Marie Neilson
Im Wunderschonen Mai by Heinrich Heine, translated by Sir Theodore Martin 1:01 Read by Kerry Adams
Wenn Ich In Deine Augen Seh by Heinrich Heine, translated by Alma Strettell 1:03 Read by nighthawks
“Thous lovest me not” by Heinrich Heine, translated by Mrs. Browning 0:58 Read by nighthawks
Du Bist Wie Eime Blume by Heinrich Heine, translated by Kate Freiligrath Kroek… 1:00 Read by Kerry Adams
Ad Finem by Heinrich Heine, translated by Mrs. Browning 0:58 Read by Lynda Marie Neilson
Saphire Sind Die Augen Dein by Heinrich Heine, translated by Alma Strettell 1:25 Read by Kerry Adams
Tristram and Iseult I by Matthew Arnold 20:58 Read by LibriVox Volunteers
Tristram and Iseult II by Matthew Arnold 12:59 Read by LibriVox Volunteers
Tristram and Iseult III by Matthew Arnold 15:39 Read by Alan Mapstone