Famous Men of Rome

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

(4.3 stars; 86 reviews)

Biographical sketches of the men of Rome, written for children. (Summary by Laura Caldwell) (4 hr 37 min)


Preface 3:40 Read by Laura Caldwell
Romulus 18:24 Read by Laura Caldwell
Numa Pompilius 9:33 Read by Jason Mayoff
The Horatii and the Curiatii 7:09 Read by Jason Mayoff
The Tarquins 14:31 Read by Andy
Junius Brutus 8:23 Read by Philippa
Horatius 5:08 Read by Andy
Mucius the Left-Handed 4:24 Read by Andy
Coriolanus 9:35 Read by Philippa
The Fabii 5:15 Read by Alec Daitsman
Cincinnatus 6:27 Read by Alec Daitsman
Camillus 15:56 Read by Alec Daitsman
Manlius Torquatus 5:44 Read by Alec Daitsman
Appius Claudius Caecus 9:22 Read by Alec Daitsman
Regulus 7:49 Read by Alec Daitsman
Scipio Africanus 15:47 Read by FirstKnight
Cato the Censor 7:07 Read by FirstKnight
The Gracchi 6:29 Read by FirstKnight
Marius 13:14 Read by James Christopher
Sulla 9:34 Read by James Christopher
Pompey the Great 9:15 Read by James Christopher
Julius Caesar 19:52 Read by James Christopher
Cicero 5:10 Read by Philippa
Augustus 8:51 Read by Alec Daitsman
Nero 9:34 Read by Alec Daitsman
Titus 5:20 Read by Alec Daitsman
Trajan 5:32 Read by Alec Daitsman
Marcus Aurelius 12:45 Read by Leon Mire
Constantine the Great 8:20 Read by Leon Mire
End of the Western Empire 9:03 Read by Kristine Bekere


Makes an excellent companion with their Famous Greeks book.

(4 stars)

Great Historical Document

(4 stars)

Enjoyed this offering with really interesting historical information about a range of famous Roman Rulers. Would have liked a more expansive section on Julius Ceasar, who I thought was only given a reasonably brief coverage. And Caligula didn't even get a guernsy. But the readers for the most part did an excellent job retaining the listeners interest, except for the lady at the end who was a bit expressionless and the accent was difficult to understand.

Well written; More like a story than history.

(5 stars)

This was a fun piece to listen to. Although it was historical it read more like fiction than anything. Most readers were pleasant. Good lessons to follow.

(2.5 stars)

I want to be able to listen to the book but it won’t listen let me listen to it until I review it. Hard to review it if I can’t listen.

great for the nle!

(5 stars)

As a student who is studying for the nle I am finding this very helpful. Thank you ! :)

(3.5 stars)

These stories sounds like fairy tales. Not a historian so not sure how accurate they are.

Only Caesar and Nero are interesting

(5 stars)

Greece is much more interesting.

(4 stars)

I enjoyed the information. It left me wanting more though.