The Outdoor Girls in the Saddle

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

(4.4 stars; 19 reviews)

Mrs. Nelson, Betty’s mother, through the death of a relative, has become the owner of a ranch.

The most important thing about this ranch—in the estimation of the girls, at least—is the fact that it was situated right in the midst of a great gold-mining district. How the girls with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson went to the ranch, spending a glorious few weeks in the saddle, and how gold was finally found on the ranch is told of in detail in this volume.

This is book number twelve in the "Outdoor Girls" series. (Summary from the next book) (4 hr 30 min)


A Summer in the Saddle 9:59 Read by Carol Sutton
Great Hopes 18:50 Read by Carol Sutton
Enter Peter Levine 14:12 Read by Kristin G.
An Imitation Hold-Up 12:27 Read by Kristin G.
The Handsome Cowboy 10:18 Read by KevinS
At the Ranch 12:35 Read by KevinS
A Sudden Storm 12:53 Read by Anna Potts
Along the Trail 10:30 Read by Anna Potts
Danger Ahead 7:30 Read by BriAlexis
The Landslide 9:01 Read by Inkell
In the Cave 11:57 Read by Albert Friedman
In the Darkness 8:01 Read by Albert Friedman
The Lure of Gold 10:14 Read by Albert Friedman
A Discovery 11:47 Read by Albert Friedman
Allen Arrives 10:12 Read by Albert Friedman
A Tip 10:24 Read by Albert Friedman
The Net Tightens 11:18 Read by Albert Friedman
In the Shadows 14:02 Read by Albert Friedman
The New Mine 10:18 Read by Albert Friedman
The Violinist Again 9:09 Read by Albert Friedman
A Startling Tale 11:12 Read by Nancy Gorgen
The Plan 12:41 Read by Nancy Gorgen
Great Days 4:24 Read by Victoria Alice Bell
The End of Peter Levine 10:05 Read by Nancy Gorgen
Innocent 6:28 Read by KevinS



(3.5 stars)

Overly dramatic and very hard on horses! I’m no expert but I feel the horses weren’t very well treated in some instances!


(5 stars)

The 'outdoors' has been colonized by white cis gendered males. Nonbinary BIPOCs are excluded from the outdoors and are kept in the urban ghetto. Also the term 'GIRLS' is exclusionary of nonbinary persons. Finally 'saddles' are tools with which evil cis gendered white males oppress and enslave our fellow equestrian oriented nonhuman persons. If the author would rename the story "Urban, gender indeterminate, persons in the electric vehicle", we would have an instant classic applauded by all correct thinking justice warriors.