The Poison Tree

Read by Vineymala

(4 stars; 2 reviews)

This is a passionate tale of self-effacing and self-sacrificing love of Suraj Mukhi for her husband, Nagendra; innocent and pure love of Kunda Nandani for Nagendra; lust of Debendra for Kunda Nandani; undying love of Nagendra for Suraj Mukhi clouded by his infatuation for Kunda Nandani. (Summary by Vineymala) (5 hr 27 min)


Nagendra's Journey by Boat 13:12 Read by Vineymala
''Coming Events Cast Their Shadows Before'' 9:23 Read by Vineymala
Of Many Subjects 8:36 Read by Vineymala
Tara Charan 6:23 Read by Vineymala
Oh! Lotus- Eyed Who Art Thou? 11:28 Read by Vineymala
The Reader Has A Cause For Great Displeasure 4:21 Read by Vineymala
Hari Dasi Boisnavi 13:46 Read by Vineymala
The Babu 9:43 Read by Vineymala
Suraja Mukhi`s Letter 7:33 Read by Vineymala
The Sprout 13:43 Read by Vineymala
Caught At Last 6:17 Read by Vineymala
Hira 6:45 Read by Vineymala
NO 10:05 Read by Vineymala
Like To Like 9:10 Read by Vineymala
The Forlorn One 11:30 Read by Vineymala
Hira`s Envy 9:19 Read by Vineymala
Hira`s Quarrel. The Bud Of The Poison Tree. 10:29 Read by Vineymala
The Caged Bird 9:36 Read by Vineymala
Descent 6:57 Read by Vineymala
Good News 12:48 Read by Vineymala
Suraj Mukhi And Kamal Mani 8:52 Read by Vineymala
What Is The Poison Tree? 3:59 Read by Vineymala
The Search 5:21 Read by Vineymala
Every Sort Of Happiness Is Fleeting 4:43 Read by Vineymala
The Fruit Of The Poison Tree 8:27 Read by Vineymala
The Signs Of Love 8:38 Read by Vineymala
By The Roadside 5:39 Read by Vineymala
Is There Hope ? 8:06 Read by Vineymala
Hira's Poison Tree Has Blossomed 4:28 Read by Vineymala
News Of Suraj Mukhi 11:28 Read by Vineymala
Though All Else Dies, Suffering Dies Not 11:05 Read by Vineymala
The Fruit Of Hira's Poison Tree 5:13 Read by Vineymala
Hira's Grandmother 5:03 Read by Vineymala
A Dark House: A Dark Life 5:31 Read by Vineymala
The Return 16:01 Read by Vineymala
Explanation 3:06 Read by Vineymala
The Simpleton And The Serpent 7:26 Read by Vineymala
The Catastrophe 3:37 Read by Vineymala
Kunda's Tongue Is Loosened 4:38 Read by Vineymala
The End 4:38 Read by Vineymala


Such women are so hard to find these days

(5 stars)

Loved the lady characters strong devotion towards her husband. Such kind of love is so hard to find these days. The good old days when wife would be devoted steadfastly to her husband.