Canada and Other Poems

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

From the author's preface:
I wished to do something for my country, and chose this method of doing it. The literature of this country is in its infancy. It must not always remain so, or the expectations we have in regard to making it a great nation, will never be fulfilled. Literature gives life to a nation, or rather it is the reflection of a nation's life and thought, in a mirror, which cheers, strengthens and ennobles those who look into it, and study what is there displayed. Literature must grow with our nation, and, when growing, it will aid the latter's progress in no small degree...I dedicate this little book of mine to the Canadian public. - Summary by T. F. Young (3 hr 3 min)


Preface 4:09 Read by Kerry Adams
New Year's Day 2:22 Read by JimLawter
To a Canary 1:43 Read by czandra
Autographs 1:51 Read by Ken Masters
Kelvin 2:32 Read by Michelle Angell
Is There Room for the Poet 2:28 Read by czandra
Man and His Pleasures 1:31 Read by Ken Masters
David's Lamentation over Saul and Jonathan 2:57 Read by Alan Mapstone
The Diamond and the Pebble 1:38 Read by czandra
Temptation 1:43 Read by Laurie Banza
Slander 1:58 Read by mleigh
Woman 2:02 Read by Kerry Adams
Sympathy 2:28 Read by Kerry Adams
Love and Wine 2:30 Read by alattice
How Nature's Beauties Should be Viewed 1:52 Read by Michelle Angell
Niagara Falls 2:59 Read by Bruce Kachuk
A Sabbath Morning in the Country 3:06 Read by Khalfish
John and Jane 1:30 Read by mleigh
Things Mysterious 2:26 Read by Michelle Angell
The Pine Tree 2:16 Read by czandra
Autumn 3:15 Read by alattice
Christmas 1:30 Read by JimLawter
Canada 7:39 Read by Krista Zaleski
Youthful Fancies 5:52 Read by LaurieB
Happiness 2:36 Read by Larry Wilson
Love 1:41 Read by Ken Masters
Hate 2:00 Read by Carol Sutton
Display 1:46 Read by Ken Masters
Thought 1:53 Read by Michelle Angell
Purity 1:20 Read by Laurie Banza
Farewell 2:36 Read by Khalfish
Ireland 3:05 Read by czandra
By the Lake 1:33 Read by Michelle Angell
Louis Riel 2:46 Read by Alan Mapstone
Lines on the North-West Rebellion 2:17 Read by Alan Mapstone
The Teacher 3:48 Read by Larry Wilson
The Indian 3:32 Read by Khalfish
To Nova Scotia 2:01 Read by czandra
A Snow Storm 2:38 Read by alattice
Catching Speckled Trout 2:34 Read by Alan Mapstone
The Huntsman and His Hound 4:05 Read by Laurie Banza
Grace Darling 3:10 Read by Alan Mapstone
A Dream 2:09 Read by KarenB
The Tempest Stilled 3:09 Read by Larry Wilson
The School-Taught Youth 3:24 Read by Sonia
The Truant Boy 1:28 Read by kaylawhy
The Fisherman's Wife 3:20 Read by Laurie Banza
Ye Patriot Sons of Canada 2:08 Read by Alan Mapstone
A Protestant Irishman to his Wife 2:39 Read by Alan Mapstone
Nature's Forces Ours 1:41 Read by kaylawhy
The Reading Man 2:05 Read by Sonia
A Virtuous Woman 2:23 Read by Laurie Banza
Man 2:28 Read by Geometrick
Life 3:31 Read by Geometrick
A Hero's Decision 2:53 Read by LaurieB
Ode to Man 1:27 Read by alattice
A Swain to his Sweetheart 2:00 Read by LaurieB
Thanksgiving Day 1:22 Read by JimLawter
A Sunset 2:22 Read by KarenB
The Maple Tree 2:23 Read by Michelle Angell
Goderich 2:43 Read by KHand
Verses Written in Autograph Albums 6:36 Read by KHand
Thomas Moore 2:46 Read by Alan Mapstone
Robert Burns 3:35 Read by Alan Mapstone
Byron 2:44 Read by Alan Mapstone
Memories of School Days 2:14 Read by KHand
Sunrise 4:42 Read by Larry Wilson
Lines in Memory of the Late Archdeacon Elwood, A.M. 3:12 Read by Larry Wilson
St. Patrick's Day 2:33 Read by JimLawter