
Read by Mark Nelson

(4.5 stars; 73 reviews)

QRM-Interplanetary is one of eleven science fiction novelettes by George O. Smith published in Astounding Science Fiction magazine between 1942 and 1945. It was re-released in the anthology Venus Equilateral with nine other Smith stories in 1949. - Summary by sjmarky (1 hr 26 min)


Part 1 37:15 Read by Mark Nelson
Part 2 49:04 Read by Mark Nelson



(5 stars)

Reading again, can't help it as prelude*First lens man*. 🖖 (Mark please narrate rest of collection) 👊🙋🖖 Peace, love & understanding for ya 🎤🎙️📚📖🤞

Solid little sci-fi story

(5 stars)

crappy management apparently transcends eras. The New Boss That Cuts Costs Without Regard for Value (and that you want to punch in the face) has been plauging engineers as long as the two have existed. that gives this story a familiar narrative framework and enough tension to keep the listener engaged. also obviously Mark Nelson of delivers the story in his familiar honied tones

old time nugget

(5 stars)

classic stuff that I grew up with.. and reinforces my view on middle management

A fun look back on the future.

(5 stars)

(5 stars)

a little hard to follow since the style it's written in doesn't identify characters before they speak or when they switch out with each other, but I really enjoyed the story.