The Last Galley, Impressions and Tales

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

(4.6 stars; 7 reviews)

From the Preface:
I HAVE written "Impressions and Tales" upon the title-page of this volume, because I have included within the same cover two styles of work which present an essential difference.

The second half of the collection consists of eight stories, which explain themselves.

The first half is made up of a series of pictures of the past which may be regarded as trial flights towards a larger ideal which I have long had in my mind. It has seemed to me that there is a region between actual story and actual history which has never been adequately exploited. I could imagine, for example, a work dealing with some great historical epoch, and finding its interest not in the happenings to particular individuals, their adventures and their loves, but in the fascination of the actual facts of history them selves. These facts might be coloured with the glamour which the writer of fiction can give, and fictitious characters and conversations might illustrate them; but none the less the actual drama" of history and not the drama of invention should claim the attention of the reader. I have been tempted some times to try the effect upon a larger scale ; but mean while these short sketches, portraying various crises in the story of the human race, are to be judged as experiments in that direction." Summary by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (7 hr 51 min)


Preface 1:47 Read by Ben Tucker
The Last Galley 18:57 Read by Ted Perkins
The Contest 19:17 Read by Wallace Morgan
Through the Veil 17:16 Read by Kerry Adams
An Iconoclast 14:47 Read by RedPoppy
Giant Maximin 40:27 Read by Christine Rottger
The Coming of the Huns 24:35 Read by czandra
The Last of the Legions 16:39 Read by James K. White
The First Cargo 19:34 Read by Laurie Banza
The Home-Coming 29:41 Read by Claudia Caldi
The Red Star 20:20 Read by Jeff Pierpont
The Silver Mirror 26:28 Read by Michael James
The Blighting of Sharkey 33:58 Read by Rita Boutros
The Marriage of the Brigadier 20:47 Read by Cavaet
The Lord of Falconbridge Part 1 18:42 Read by aaronjwalker9
The Lord of Falconbridge Part 2 11:16 Read by aaronjwalker9
The Lord of Falconbridge Part 3 18:39 Read by aaronjwalker9
Out of the Running 33:24 Read by aaronjwalker9
"De Profundis" 27:08 Read by Christine Rottger
The Great Brown-Pericord Motor 17:18 Read by Ben Tucker
The Terror of Blue John Gap 40:04 Read by Ben Tucker


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