A Ball Player's Career

Read by Cavaet

The biography of one of the greatest players that the game of baseball of his era, in his own words. "Cap" Anson, quite probably baseball's first superstar. - Summary by cavaet (9 hr 18 min)


Chapter One: My Birthplace and Ancestry 9:45 Read by Cavaet
Chapter Two: Days at Marshalltown 12:06 Read by Cavaet
Chapter Three: Some Facts About the National Game 13:38 Read by Cavaet
Chapter Four: Further Facts and Figures 14:56 Read by Cavaet
Chapter Five: The Game at Marshalltown 13:35 Read by Cavaet
Chapter Six: My Experience at Rockford 13:33 Read by Cavaet
Chapter Seven: With the Atheltics of Philadelphia 13:16 Read by Cavaet
Chapter Eight: Some Minor Diversions 10:47 Read by Cavaet
Chapter Nine: We Ball Players Go Abroad 14:09 Read by Cavaet
Chapter Ten: The Argonauts of 1874 11:49 Read by Cavaet
Chapter Eleven: I Win One Prize and Others Follow 10:03 Read by Cavaet
Chapter Twelve: With the National League 12:17 Read by Cavaet
Chapter Thirteen: From Fourth Place to the Championship 14:43 Read by Cavaet
Chapter Fourteen: The Champions of the Early Eighties 13:43 Read by Cavaet
Chapter Fifteen: We Fall Down and Rise Again 16:27 Read by Cavaet
Chapter Sixteen: Ball-Players Each and Every One 13:05 Read by Cavaet
Chapter Seventeen: While Fortune Frowns and Smiles 13:10 Read by Cavaet
Chapter Eighteen: From Chicago to Denver 15:13 Read by Cavaet
Chapter Nineteen: From Denver to San Francisco 13:09 Read by Cavaet
Chapter Twenty: Two Weeks in California 16:06 Read by Cavaet
Chapter Twenty-One: We Visit the Hawaiian Islands 23:24 Read by Cavaet
Chapter Twenty-Two: From Honolulu to Australia 15:15 Read by Cavaet
Chapter Twenty-Three: With Our Friends in the Antipodes 15:56 Read by Cavaet
Chapter Twenty-Four: Ball Playing and Sight Seeing in Australia 15:44 Read by Cavaet
Chapter Twenty-Five: Afloat on the Indian Sea 14:48 Read by Cavaet
Chapter Twenty-Six: From Ceylon to Egypt 16:02 Read by Cavaet
Chapter Twenty-Seven: In the Shadow of the Pyramids 12:10 Read by Cavaet
Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Blue Skies of Italy 15:14 Read by Cavaet
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Our Visit to La Belle France 14:40 Read by Cavaet
Chapter Thirty: Through England, Scotland and Ireland 20:29 Read by Cavaet
Chapter Thirty-One: "Home, Sweet Home" 22:16 Read by Cavaet
Chapter Thirty-Two: The Revolt of the Brotherhood 15:39 Read by Cavaet
Chapter Thirty-Three: My Last Years on the Ball Field 17:13 Read by Cavaet
Chapter Thirty-Four: If This Be Treason, Make the Most of It 14:28 Read by Cavaet
Chapter Thirty-Five: How My Winters Were Spent 9:19 Read by Cavaet
Chapter Thirty-Six: With the Knights of the Cue 14:08 Read by Cavaet
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Not Dead, But Sleeping 11:17 Read by Cavaet
Chapter Thirty-Eight: L'Envoi 24:27 Read by Cavaet