Agincourt: A Romance

Read by Lynne T

(5 stars; 1 reviews)

The Battle of Agincourt provided a surprise English victory in the Hundred Years' War. It took place in 1415 and brought a turning point in the war between France and England after failed negotiations.
This romance by James begins in the lead-up to the battle, with the mysterious "Hal of Hadnock" shown hospitality by Sir Philip Beauchamp while on an unknown journey. He is befriended by young Richard of Woodville, who has suspicions regarding Hal. Gradually, we learn more of Hal and Richard as we follow their fortunes and the twists and turns surrounding Richard’s love for Mary. (Summary by LynneT) (16 hr 42 min)


The Night Ride 21:05 Read by Lynne T
The Hall and Its Denizens 25:21 Read by Lynne T
The Foregone Events 15:15 Read by Lynne T
The Glutton Mass 29:39 Read by Lynne T
The Assassination 12:04 Read by Lynne T
The Suspicions 29:08 Read by Lynne T
The Coronation 22:04 Read by Lynne T
The Day of Festival 29:44 Read by Lynne T
The Sick Mind 17:55 Read by Lynne T
The Minstrel's Girl 25:18 Read by Lynne T
The Deceiver 30:07 Read by Lynne T
The Hours of Joy 19:38 Read by Lynne T
The Wrong 24:44 Read by Lynne T
The Remedy 22:19 Read by Lynne T
The Pilgrim 19:47 Read by Lynne T
The New Friends 25:07 Read by Lynne T
The Preparation 29:45 Read by Lynne T
The Journey and the Voyage 32:02 Read by Lynne T
The Foreign Land 27:12 Read by Lynne T
The New Acquaintances 14:21 Read by Lynne T
The Exile 31:50 Read by Lynne T
The Count of Charolois 28:34 Read by Lynne T
The Departure 16:17 Read by Lynne T
Those Who Were Left Behind 27:29 Read by Lynne T
The Enterprise 24:30 Read by Lynne T
The Achievement 25:41 Read by Lynne T
A Summary 16:54 Read by Lynne T
The Friend Estranged 9:57 Read by Lynne T
The Betrayer 27:18 Read by Lynne T
The Hussites 17:28 Read by Lynne T
The Result 19:19 Read by Lynne T
True Love's Defence 15:57 Read by Lynne T
The Rescue 29:48 Read by Lynne T
The Recompence 19:57 Read by Lynne T
The Disappointment 15:06 Read by Lynne T
The Disaster 11:35 Read by Lynne T
The Captivity 23:54 Read by Lynne T
The Flight 16:39 Read by Lynne T
The Prisoner Free 25:45 Read by Lynne T
The Mystery 14:58 Read by Lynne T
The Camp 21:53 Read by Lynne T
The Charges 16:02 Read by Lynne T
The Fox in the Snare 15:09 Read by Lynne T
The Ordering of the Battle 9:56 Read by Lynne T
The Battle 21:19 Read by Lynne T
Conclusion 26:46 Read by Lynne T


A Great Historical Fiction

(5 stars)

Readers were all fine. some spoke faster slower, required some adjusting to the Listener or speed control on the app.