A System of Logic

Read by Chris Greaves

(4 stars; 1 reviews)

"In this work, he formulated the five principles of inductive reasoning that are known as Mill's Methods. This work is important in the philosophy of science, and more generally, insofar as it outlines the empirical principles Mill would use to justify his moral and political philosophies.

An article in "Philosophy of Recent Times" has described this book as an "attempt to expound a psychological system of logic within empiricist principles.”

This work was important to the history of science, being a strong influence on scientists such as Dirac.A System of Logic also had an impression on Gottlob Frege, who rebuked many of Mill's ideas about the philosophy of mathematics in his work The Foundations of Arithmetic.

Mill revised the original work several times over the course of thirty years in response to critiques and commentary by Whewell, Bain, and others."
(Summary by WikiPedia) (51 hr 22 min)


Preface To The First Edition. 7:58 Read by Chris Greaves
Preface To The Third And Fourth Editions. 4:23 Read by Chris Greaves
Introduction. 36:14 Read by Chris Greaves
Book I Chapter I Of Names And Propositions 16:14 Read by Chris Greaves
Book I Chapter II Of Names; Parts 1 through 4 24:00 Read by Chris Greaves
Book I Chapter II Of Names; Parts 5 through 8 51:29 Read by Chris Greaves
Book I Chapter III Of The Things Denoted By Names; Parts 1 through 5 32:27 Read by Chris Greaves
Book I Chapter III Of The Things Denoted By Names; Parts 6 through 9 37:37 Read by Chris Greaves
Book I Chapter III Of The Things Denoted By Names; Parts 10 through 15 34:08 Read by Chris Greaves
Book I Chapter IV Of Propositions 32:04 Read by Chris Greaves
Book I Chapter V Of The Import Of Propositions Parts 1 through 3 34:28 Read by Chris Greaves
Book I Chapter V Of The Import Of Propositions Parts 4 through 7 39:24 Read by Chris Greaves
Book I Chapter VI Of Propositions Merely Verbal 27:06 Read by Chris Greaves
Book I Chapter VII Of The Nature Of Classification, And The Five Predicables 50:30 Read by Chris Greaves
Book I Chapter VIII Of Definition Parts 1 through 4 29:52 Read by Chris Greaves
Book I Chapter VIII Of Definition Parts 5 through 7 40:38 Read by Chris Greaves
Book II Chapter I Of Reasoning 25:15 Read by Chris Greaves
Book II Chapter II Of Ratiocination, Or Syllogism Part 1 33:53 Read by Chris Greaves
Book II Chapter II Of Ratiocination, Or Syllogism Part 2 through 4 31:32 Read by Chris Greaves
Book II Chapter III Of The Functions And Logical Value Of The Syllogism Parts 1… 42:30 Read by Chris Greaves
Book II Chapter III Of The Functions And Logical Value Of The Syllogism Parts 5… 46:46 Read by Chris Greaves
Book II Chapter IV Of Trains Of Reasoning, And Deductive Sciences 43:34 Read by Chris Greaves
Book II Chapter V Of Demonstration, And Necessary Truths Parts 1 through 5 43:30 Read by Chris Greaves
Book II Chapter V Of Demonstration, And Necessary Truths Part 6 50:06 Read by Chris Greaves
Book II Chapter VI The Same Subject Continued 32:31 Read by Chris Greaves
Book II Chapter VII Examination Of Some Opinions Opposed To The Preceding Doctr… 41:05 Read by Chris Greaves
Book II Chapter VII Examination Of Some Opinions Opposed To The Preceding Doctr… 24:56 Read by Chris Greaves
Book III. Of Induction. Chapter I. Preliminary Observations On Induction In Gen… 17:06 Read by Chris Greaves
Book III Chapter II Of Inductions Improperly So Called Parts 1 through 3 19:51 Read by Chris Greaves
Book III Chapter II Of Inductions Improperly So Called Parts 4 through 5 41:35 Read by Chris Greaves
Book III Chapter III Of The Ground Of Induction 28:24 Read by Chris Greaves
Book III Chapter IV Of Laws Of Nature 25:16 Read by Chris Greaves
Book III Chapter V Of The Law Of Universal Causation Parts 1 through 5 53:05 Read by Chris Greaves
Book III Chapter V Of The Law Of Universal Causation Parts 6 through 10 55:41 Read by Chris Greaves
Book III Chapter V Of The Law Of Universal Causation Part 11 1:00:35 Read by Chris Greaves
Book III Chapter VI On The Composition Of Causes 27:11 Read by Chris Greaves
Book III Chapter VII On Observation And Experiment 28:06 Read by Chris Greaves
Book III Chapter VIII Of The Four Methods Of Experimental Inquiry Parts 1 throu… 33:32 Read by Chris Greaves
Book III Chapter VIII Of The Four Methods Of Experimental Inquiry Parts 5 throu… 35:05 Read by Chris Greaves
Book III Chapter IX Miscellaneous Examples Of The Four Methods Parts 1 through 3 45:34 Read by Chris Greaves
Book III Chapter IX Miscellaneous Examples Of The Four Methods Parts 4 through 6 44:56 Read by Chris Greaves
Book III Chapter X Of Plurality Of Causes, And Of The Intermixture Of Effects P… 45:10 Read by Chris Greaves
Book III Chapter X Of Plurality Of Causes, And Of The Intermixture Of Effects P… 25:57 Read by Chris Greaves
Book III Chapter XI Of The Deductive Method 28:39 Read by Chris Greaves
Book III Chapter XII Of The Explanation Of Laws Of Nature 29:28 Read by Chris Greaves
Book III Chapter XIII Miscellaneous Examples Of The Explanation Of Laws Of Natu… 33:25 Read by Chris Greaves
Book III Chapter XIV Of The Limits To The Explanation Of Laws Of Nature; And Of… 39:48 Read by Chris Greaves
Book III Chapter XIV Of The Limits To The Explanation Of Laws Of Nature; And Of… 36:45 Read by Chris Greaves
Book III Chapter XV Of Progressive Effects; And Of The Continued Action Of Caus… 24:12 Read by Chris Greaves
Book III Chapter XVI Of Empirical Laws 28:59 Read by Chris Greaves
Book III Chapter XVII Of Chance And Its Elimination 31:15 Read by Chris Greaves
Book III Chapter XVIII Of The Calculation Of Chances 46:37 Read by Chris Greaves
Book III Chapter XIX Of The Extension Of Derivative Laws To Adjacent Cases 21:06 Read by Chris Greaves
Book III Chapter XX Of Analogy 21:59 Read by Chris Greaves
Book III Chapter XXI Of The Evidence Of The Law Of Universal Causation Part 1 15:46 Read by Chris Greaves
Book III Chapter XXI Of The Evidence Of The Law Of Universal Causation Parts 2 … 35:23 Read by Chris Greaves
Book III Chapter XXII Of Uniformities Of Co-Existence Not Dependent On Causation 42:35 Read by Chris Greaves
Book III Chapter XXIII Of Approximate Generalizations, And Probable Evidence 43:57 Read by Chris Greaves
Book III Chapter XXIV Of The Remaining Laws Of Nature Parts 1 through 5 35:16 Read by Chris Greaves
Book III Chapter XXIV Of The Remaining Laws Of Nature Parts 6 through 9 27:50 Read by Chris Greaves
Book III Chapter XXV Of The Grounds Of Disbelief Parts 1 through 3 27:12 Read by Chris Greaves
Book III Chapter XXV Of The Grounds Of Disbelief Parts 4 through 6 25:55 Read by Chris Greaves
Book IV Chaoter I Of Operations Subsidiary To Induction 26:54 Read by Chris Greaves
Book IV Chapter II Of Abstraction, Or The Formation Of Conceptions 43:15 Read by Chris Greaves
Book IV Chapter III Of Naming, As Subsidiary To Induction 14:34 Read by Chris Greaves
Book IV Chapter IV Of The Requisites Of A Philosophical Language, And The Princ… 23:50 Read by Chris Greaves
Book IV Chapter IV Of The Requisites Of A Philosophical Language, And The Princ… 34:30 Read by Chris Greaves
Book IV Chapter V On The Natural History Of The Variations In The Meaning Of Te… 35:43 Read by Chris Greaves
Book IV Chapter VI The Principles Of A Philosophical Language Further Considered 47:37 Read by Chris Greaves
Book IV Chapter VII Of Classification, As Subsidiary To Induction 48:03 Read by Chris Greaves
Book IV Chapter VIII Of Classification By Series 19:39 Read by Chris Greaves
Book V. On Fallacies. Chapter I. Of Fallacies In General 15:22 Read by Chris Greaves
Book V Chapter II Classification Of Fallacies 19:13 Read by Chris Greaves
Book V Chapter III Fallacies Of Simple Inspection; Or A Priori Fallacies Parts … 47:39 Read by Chris Greaves
Book V Chapter IV Fallacies Of Observation 42:19 Read by Chris Greaves
Book V Chapter IV Fallacies Of Observation 41:02 Read by Chris Greaves
Book V Chapter V Fallacies Of Generalization parts 1 through 5 29:27 Read by Chris Greaves
Book V Chapter V Fallacies Of Generalization parts 6 through 8 31:15 Read by Chris Greaves
Book V Chapter VI Fallacies Of Ratiocination 17:58 Read by Chris Greaves
Book V Chapter VII Fallacies Of Confusion Part 1 37:23 Read by Chris Greaves
Book V Chapter VII Fallacies Of Confusion Parts 2 through 3 36:37 Read by Chris Greaves
Book VI Chapter II Of Liberty And Necessity 10:10 Read by Chris Greaves
Book VI Chapter II Of Liberty And Necessity 23:41 Read by Chris Greaves
Book VI Chapter III That There Is, Or May Be, A Science Of Human Nature 14:11 Read by Chris Greaves
Book VI Chapter IV Of The Laws Of Mind 33:52 Read by Chris Greaves
Book VI Chapter V Of Ethology, Or The Science Of The Formation Of Character 44:24 Read by Chris Greaves
Book VI Chapter VI General Considerations On The Social Science 11:06 Read by Chris Greaves
Book VI Chapter VII Of The Chemical, Or Experimental, Method In The Social Scie… 24:28 Read by Chris Greaves
Book VI Chapter VIII Of The Geometrical, Or Abstract, Method 23:28 Read by Chris Greaves
Book VI Chapter IX Of The Physical, Or Concrete Deductive, Method 51:37 Read by Chris Greaves
Book VI Chapter X Of The Inverse Deductive, Or Historical, Method Parts 1 throu… 42:00 Read by Chris Greaves
Book VI Chapter X Of The Inverse Deductive, Or Historical, Method Parts 6 throu… 20:44 Read by Chris Greaves
Book VI Chapter XI Additional Elucidations Of The Science Of History 41:54 Read by Chris Greaves
Book VI Chapter XII Of The Logic Of Practice, Or Art; Including Morality And Po… 30:56 Read by Chris Greaves