Messiah: Fifty Expository Discourses on the Oratorio of Handel

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

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The celebrated German-British composer G.F. Handel premiered his now famous oratorio "Messiah" in 1742. In 1785 there was a celebration at Westminster Abbey of Handel's birth 100 years before. It was on this occasion that John Newton decided to preach 50 sermons from the Bible passages that form the libretto (by Charles Jennens) of Messiah. The sermons were preached over two years in the Parish Church of St. Mary Woolnoth, Lombard-Street - 3 miles from Westminster Abbey. - Summary by InTheDesert (20 hr 36 min)


The Consolation (Isaiah 40:1, 2) 25:48 Read by InTheDesert
The Harbinger (Isaiah 40:3-5) 25:08 Read by Thaddeus Griebel
The Shaking of the Heavens and the Earth (Haggai 2:6, 7) 26:47 Read by Kerry Adams
The LORD Coming To His Temple (Malachi 3:1-3) 36:15 Read by Kerry Adams
Immanuel (Isaiah 7:14) 33:13 Read by Kerry Adams
Salvation Published from the Mountains (Isaiah 40:9) 23:23 Read by Kyle Stedman
The Morning Light (Isaiah 60:1-3) 23:11 Read by Beeswaxcandle
The Sun Rising upon a Dark World (Isaiah 9:2) 21:29 Read by showard
Characters and Names of Messiah (Isaiah 9:6) 21:41 Read by Thaddeus Griebel
The Angel's Message and Song (Luke 2:8-14) 23:37 Read by Owlivia
Messiah's Entrance into Jerusalem (Zechariah 9:9, 10) 24:25 Read by Gillian Hendrie
Effects of Messiah's Appearance (Isaiah 35:5, 6) 30:03 Read by Ron Altman
The Great Shepherd (Isaiah 50:11) 37:53 Read by Ruth P.
Rest for the Weary (Matthew 11:28) 24:46 Read by Ruth P.
Messiah's Easy Yoke (Matthew 11:29, 30) 24:31 Read by Ruth P.
The Lamb of God, the Great Atonement (John 1:29) 26:48 Read by James En
Messiah Despised, and Rejected of Men (Isaiah 53:3) 23:10 Read by James En
Voluntary Suffering (Isaiah 50:6) 23:23 Read by Gillian Hendrie
Messiah Suffering and Wounded for Us (Isaiah 53:4, 5) 27:34 Read by Ruth P.
Sin Charged upon the Surety (Isaiah 53:6) 27:55 Read by Ruth P.
Messiah Derided Upon the Cross (Psalm 22:7, 8) 17:12 Read by Beeswaxcandle
Messiah Unpitied, and Without a Comforter (Psalm 69:20) 23:06 Read by Gillian Hendrie
No Sorrow Like Messiah's Sorrow (Lamentations 1:12) 25:40 Read by Ruth P.
Messiah's Innocence Vindicated (Isaiah 53:8) 16:09 Read by InTheDesert
Messiah Rising from the Dead (Psalm 16:10) 20:52 Read by Jaime Kurzweg
The Ascension of Messiah to Glory (Psalm 24:7-10) 18:49 Read by Jaime Kurzweg
Messiah the Son of God (Hebrews 1:5) 23:12 Read by Gillian Hendrie
Messiah Worshipped By Angels (Hebrews 1:6) 24:00 Read by jenno
Gifts Received for the Rebellious (Psalm 68:18) 29:28 Read by Ruth P.
The Publication of the Gospel (Psalm 68:11) 21:21 Read by Owlivia
The Gospel Message, Good Tidings (Romans 10:15) 23:10 Read by Gillian Hendrie
The Progress of the Gospel (Romans 10:18) 19:09 Read by Beeswaxcandle
Opposition to Messiah Unreasonable (Psalm 2:1-3) 20:14 Read by Beeswaxcandle
Opposition to Messiah in Vain (Psalm 2:4) 19:16 Read by Beeswaxcandle
Opposition to Messiah Ruinous (Psalm 2:9) 19:57 Read by Beeswaxcandle
The Lord Reigneth (Revelation 19:6) 28:00 Read by Ruth P.
The Extent of Messiah's Spiritual Kingdom (Revelation 11:15) 29:08 Read by Gillian Hendrie
King of Kings and Lord of Lords (Revelation 19:16) 23:22 Read by Charles Zwick Jr.
Job's Faith and Expectation (Job 19:25, 26) 32:17 Read by Ruth P.
The Lord is Risen Indeed (I Corinthians 15:20) 20:51 Read by Gillian Hendrie
Death By Adam, Life By Christ (I Corinthians 15:21, 22) 21:22 Read by Andy Glover
The General Resurrection (I Corinthians 15:51-53) 21:42 Read by Ahikam Devadason
Death Swallowed Up in Victory (I Corinthians 15:54) 23:26 Read by Gillian Hendrie
Triumph Over Death and the Grave (I Corinthians 15:55, 56, 57) 22:12 Read by Beeswaxcandle
Divine Support and Protection (Romans 8:31) 26:29 Read by Charles Zwick Jr.
Accusers Challenged (Romans 8:33) 25:24 Read by Owlivia
The Intercession of Christ (Romans 8:34) 26:46 Read by Gillian Hendrie
The Song of the Redeemed (Revelation 5:9) 31:33 Read by Beeswaxcandle
The Chorus of Angels (Revelation 5:12) 27:16 Read by Owlivia
The Universal Chorus (Revelation 5:13) 23:52 Read by InTheDesert