The Early Church Collection Volume 2

Read by InTheDesert

(4.6 stars; 4 reviews)

This collection begins with Augustine's response to the charge that Christians, unlike anyone else in the world, believe in things that cannot be seen, two works on christology from Athanasius and Augustine's exposition of the Apostles' Creed. Next come two responses from church leaders on what to do when Christians have participated in idolatry (Cyprian's after the Decian persecution). After some shorter works including all the extant fragments from Papias, there are a large number of works from Rufinus: translator and editor of many of the works of Origen who suffered considerable censure for his labors as can be seen from the content of his prefaces. There follow many short work from the early Christian apologists (whose works are mostly lost), two ethical treatises from Hippolytus and some short historical accounts.

The Early Church Collection, Volume 1

(Summary by InTheDesert) (8 hr 35 min)


Concerning Faith of Things Not Seen 29:37 Read by InTheDesert
Statement of Faith 9:00 Read by InTheDesert
On Luke X. 22 17:06 Read by InTheDesert
Of Faith, and of the Creed 45:18 Read by InTheDesert
On the Lapsed 51:40 Read by InTheDesert
Canonical Epistle concerning those who in the Inroad of the Barbarians ate Thin… 10:55 Read by InTheDesert
On the Unity of the Church 42:29 Read by InTheDesert
Heads of the Canons of Abulides Or Hippolytus 3:45 Read by InTheDesert
A Fragment on the Gospel according to Matthew 1:44 Read by InTheDesert
Exposition of the Lord's Oracles 12:27 Read by InTheDesert
Preface to the Commentary on the Benedictions of the Twelve Patriarchs 10:59 Read by InTheDesert
The Book Concerning the Adulteration of the Works of Origen 25:59 Read by InTheDesert
A Letter to Origen from Africanus about the History Of Susanna 3:24 Read by InTheDesert
Letter from Origen to Africanus 33:37 Read by InTheDesert
Letter from Origen to Gregory 6:07 Read by InTheDesert
Preface to Translation of Pamphilus' Defence of Origen 4:26 Read by InTheDesert
Preface to his Translation of Origen on Numbers 3:15 Read by InTheDesert
Preface to the Translation of Origen's Περὶ ᾽Αρχῶν 9:58 Read by InTheDesert
Preface to the Translation of Origen's Commentary on Psalms 36, 37 and 38 1:57 Read by InTheDesert
Preface to his Translation of Origen on the Epistle to the Romans 2:23 Read by InTheDesert
The Peroration of Rufinus Appended to His Translation of Origen's Commentary on… 4:33 Read by InTheDesert
From the Books against Sabellius 3:26 Read by InTheDesert
On The Twelve Apostles 3:03 Read by InTheDesert
On the Seventy Apostles 5:09 Read by InTheDesert
Preface to his Translation of the Recognitions of Clement 5:46 Read by InTheDesert
Preface to his Translation of the Sayings of Xystus 2:26 Read by InTheDesert
Preface to his Translation of Church History by Eusebius 4:44 Read by InTheDesert
Apology of Rufinus addressed to Anastasius, Bishop of Rome 8:54 Read by InTheDesert
The Letter of Anastasius to John, Bishop of Jerusalem concerning Rufinus 6:31 Read by InTheDesert
Epistle to Bishop Basilides 11:00 Read by InTheDesert
Fragment from the Discourse on the Trinity 6:43 Read by InTheDesert
A Fragment of the Acts of the same Disputation 5:50 Read by InTheDesert
Expository Treatise on Psalm 69 10:15 Read by InTheDesert
Fragment of the Discourse of Hippolytus against the Greeks 8:44 Read by InTheDesert
On the Vanity of Idols 17:46 Read by InTheDesert
Fragments of Discourses or Homilies 8:35 Read by InTheDesert
Derision of Gentile Philosophers 13:28 Read by InTheDesert
Fragment from his Apology for Christianity 0:55 Read by InTheDesert
The Disputation of Jason and Papiscus 2:25 Read by InTheDesert
Epistle to the Romans 2:00 Read by InTheDesert
On the Public Shows 19:16 Read by InTheDesert
On Jealousy and Envy 25:09 Read by InTheDesert
The Story of a Maiden of Corinth, and a certain Person Magistrianus 4:26 Read by InTheDesert
Account by Athanasius of his flight under Julian 3:02 Read by InTheDesert
A Poem on the Passion of the Lord 5:15 Read by InTheDesert



(5 stars)

investing to see the call to a moral and holy life of the early church and the struggles of their times. I wish there was more