The Primrose Path
Bram Stoker
Read by Jake Malizia

This 1875 serialised novella appeared in The Shamrock magazine in 5 installments. It is Bram Stoker's first novel, being published 22 years before his famous 'Dracula'. It tells the story of a happy Irish family, the O'Sullivans, who leave their straightforward Dublin life behind to go to London, to follow Jerry O'Sullivan's dream of becoming a theatrical carpenter. With his wife, Katey, at his side, they are beset by many misfortunes. The squalor and depravity of London seep into their lives and tragedy ensues. - Summary by jakemalizia (3 hr 9 min)
Chapter I: A Happy Home | 17:29 | Read by Jake Malizia |
Chapter II: To and Fro | 18:22 | Read by Jake Malizia |
Chapter III: An Opening | 22:24 | Read by Jake Malizia |
Chapter IV: The New Life | 23:33 | Read by Jake Malizia |
Chapter V: How the New Life Began | 18:19 | Read by Jake Malizia |
Chapter VI: A Summons | 16:35 | Read by Jake Malizia |
Chapter VII: Katey's Trials | 18:01 | Read by Jake Malizia |
Chapter VIII: Down the Hill | 17:40 | Read by Jake Malizia |
Chapter IX: The Trail of the Serpent | 17:29 | Read by Jake Malizia |
Chapter X: The End of the Journey | 19:14 | Read by Jake Malizia |
Note from the Reader

You are totally right. I should have put a warning about the bad Irish accents. Please forward my sincerest apologies to the entire island of Ireland!

Maria Wiebe
I admire Katie's steadfastness and love for her husband but I am very disappointed with the ending! I won't be seeking out this author's books right away again.

Geraldine Rourke
good story good reader .Irish accent very poor