Manly-Man OTR, Vol. 2

Manly-Man OTR, Vol. 2 An MPDMedia Audio Collection Ten episodes equaling about six hours of androcentric entertainment, perfect for fishing trips, long car or plane rides, or any other time when you want to scratch yourself or manspread in public and not be bitched at about it. The only females here are Effie Perine, Pert Kelton, Anne Seymour, a saloon wench, a couple of nurses and canaries, and Mary Livingstone. Background noise and volume lowered so you don't have to keep adjusting the sound levels. John Dehner now has his deep, masculine voice back as Frontier Gentleman. Best Plays : Men in White , 1/11/53. Docs save lives in a big-city hospital. Biography In Sound : Ernest Hemingway, 12/19/54. The king of literary testosterone is profiled. Command Performance : Clark Gable, Winged Victory chorale - 10/26/44. Show also features Ginny Sims. Frontier Gentleman : The Shelton Gang , 2/2/58. De-chipmunked episode has the Gent cleaning up town. Jack Benny : Jack Complains About the Oscars , 3/1/42. Gary Cooper stole Jack's award, you see. Jubilee : Woody Herman, Jesse Price , 7/4/47. Independence Day 1947 show. The Magnificent Montague : Sharing A Bungalow , 2/2/51. Blowhard star in L.A. vs Jim Backus as wily tourist. Nightwatch : Whiskers and Black Eye , 3/24/55. Featuring Culver City Unit 5-6, undercover with Sgt. Perkins. Sam Spade : The Fairly-Bright Caper , 10/31/48. Halloween episode. X Minus 1 : C-Chute , 2/8/56. Aliens versus spaceship; Isaac Asimov story.
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.