Roger Dixon The Commander

The Commander By Roger Dixon You probably know Santa Millfcenta, that little state tucked away between Italy and Yugoslavia. You don'? Surprising— it's well worth a visit. Especially since the recent crisis there is now, happily, over. Salesman: Michael Deacon Prime Minister: Denys Blakelock Pietro: David Jarrett Maria: Pamela Binns Geors: Maurice Denham Irena: Grizelda Hervey Bobby: Hilda Kriseman Finance Minister: Lockwood West Foreiun Minister: John Wyse BBC Newsreader: Peter Reynolds Lt Dainty: Victor Lucas Stationmaster: Antony Viccars Capt Greston: Leroy Lingwood Woman: Pauline Letts Umbertini: Ralph Truman Commissar: John Pullen Clerk: Christopher Bidwead UN Official: Duncan McIntyre Commarahswarmy: Ian Thompson Sheikh: Gordon Faith Produced by David Geary SATURDAY-NIGHT THEATRE Sat 10th Aug 1968 20:30 on BBC Radio 4 FM
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
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