David Spencer The City on the Horizon 01

Saturday-Night Theatre Sat 29th Jan 1972, 20:30 on BBC Radio 4 FM The City of the Horizon by David Spenser 1: The Dream This is the first of two specialty commissioned plays based on the life and times of the Pharaoh Akhnaten whose reign in Egypt (1371-1356 BC) preceded that of Tutankhamen. A poet, a heretic and a visionary. he established a new religion and hoped for a new world. Producer: John Tydeman Akhnaten (Amenhotep IV). Pharaoh of Egypt: Gary Bond Nefertiti, his wife: Kate Binchy Queen Tiy, his mother: Mary Morris Smenkhare and Tutankhamen, his half-brothers: David Valla Smenkhare and Tutankhamen, his half-brothers: Geoffrey Beevers Meritaten, his daughter: Stephanie Turner Ay, the Chief Counsellor: Lockwood West Horemheb, the Commander in Chief: William Fox Ptahmose (later Ramose), the High Priest: Rolf Lefebvre Bek, the architect: David Spenser Tutmose, the sculptor: Robin Browne Rib-Addi, Ruler of Byblos: Leslie Heritage Aziru, Prince of the Amorites: Lewis Stringer
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
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