09A Noël Coward Hay Fever

09A… Hay Fever L.A. Theatre Works Produced: Oct 9, 1999 03.10.07 A country house weekend goes haywire when the guests and their hosts play a game of romantic musical chairs. This witty masterpiece is filled with Coward’s biting commentary on his own profession. Tate Donovan as Richard Gratham Arabella Field as David Boies Joy Gregory as Sorel Bliss Coryton Jeffrey Jones as David Bliss Lynne Marta as Clara Serena Scott Thomas as Myra Abundel Carolyn Seymour as Judith Bliss Eric Stoltz as Sandy Tyrell Simon Templeman as Simon Bliss Directed by John Rubinstein Noël Coward himself said of 'Hay Fever', '[It] is considered by many to be my best comedy' and 'far and away one of the most difficult plays to perform that I have ever encountered. To begin with, it has no plot at all, and remarkably little action.' Perhaps he was understating it there for, while the play is not gung-ho full of action, there is plenty going on. It must have had something for, when first staged on 8 June 1925 it ran for 337 performances!
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
09A Noël Coward Hay Fever | 1:57:53 |
Great play!

but skip the interview at the end