07 Noël Coward Fallen Angels

07 Noël Coward Fallen Angels 1973.04.14 BBC Radio 4 Afternoon Theatre Noel Coward wrote this comedy for stage in 1925. Two married women, living a life of passionless boredom, whip themselves into a state of sexual excitement over the return of a former lover. In the play's celebrated central act they get riotously tipsy as they await the nocturnal arrival of the Gallic Romeo. But, having stoked up the sexual fires, Coward banks them down again in the overly symmetrical final act as each woman falsely believes the other has had a secret assignation with the Gallic intruder. JULIA: It isn'as if we'd been unfaithful since marriage-after all, it all happened before. JANE: Yes, but men never forgive that sort of thing, no matter when it happened. JULIA: They haven'- but it's our duty to make them think they have. Producer: Ian Cotterell Julia Sterroll: Mary Wimbush Fred Sterroll: William Fox Saunders: Hilda Schroder Willy Banbury: Michael Spice Jane Banbury: Isabel Dean Maurice Duclos: Nigel Graham
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
760707 Fallen Angels | 53:52 |