Margery Sharp The Foolish Gentlewoman

SATURDAY-NIGHT THEATRE Sat 15th Oct 1966, 20:30 on BBC Home Service Basic Sybil Thorndike Festival Dame Sybil stars in some of her favourite plays: The Foolish Gentlewoman by Margery Sharp adapted for radio by Donald McWhinnie The play takes place at While Lodge, Isabel Brocken's house on Chipping Hill, a suburb of London. in June. Produced By: Graham Gauld Cast in order of speaking: Narrator: Preston Lockwood Simon Brocken: Walter Fitzgerald Jacqueline Brown: Eva Hadbon Greta Poole: Cecile Chevreau Mrs Poole: Marjorie Forsyth Humphrey Garrett: Anthony Jackson Isabel Bracken: Sybil Thorndike Dora Tremayne: Mary Wimbush Tilly Cuff: Gladys Spencer Light, humorous . . . in the usual Sharp style, Isabel Brocken, a sentimental English widow, extends her hospitality to a rather mixed group of friends and relatives who have been left without living quarters by the war
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
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