Bruce Stewart Omegapoint

Saturday-Night Theatre Sat 18th Oct 1975, 20:30 on BBC Radio 4 FM Omegapoint by Bruce Stewart with Dinsdale Landen as Harry Claudius and Sydney Taffer as Czerny Harry Claudius is a disillusioned mortal. He regards 'the machine' as the natural enemy of man. This is a somewhat odd attitude for the Security Officer at Tor Sands Atomic Power Unit; but then Tor Sands, like Harry, is not fulfilling the promise of the early 50’s. It is strange, and even a little sinister, that the energy plant should be computerised in such a highly sophisticated manner; and more sinister still that the communications room should pick up a strange, coded message. The only clear thing on it is the identification word-Omegapoint. Effects specially created by Roger Limb of BBC Radiophonic Workshop Producer Shaun Macloughlin Julie Ross: Rosalind Adams Rashleigh: Haydn Jones Mary Bone: Anne Jameson Archie Chisholm: Henry Stamper The Computer: Anthony Smek
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
Omegapoint | 1:26:38 |