Nuggets of the New Thought

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

(4.9 stars; 53 reviews)

A series of essays by this forceful writer, constituting the cream of his magazine articles upon New Thought topics. The famous "I Can and I Will" essay forms the opening chapter. "The Secret of the I AM," of which 40,000 copies have been sold, is also contained in this volume. (Summary from the text) (5 hr 17 min)


Preface 3:22 Read by Jennifer Fournier
The Keynote 12:00 Read by SaraHale
The Secret Of The "I Am." 19:05 Read by Jennifer Fournier
"Let A Little Sunshine In." 9:48 Read by SaraHale
The Hunger Of The Soul 15:08 Read by Jennifer Fournier
Look Aloft! 8:10 Read by SaraHale
To-morrow 9:19 Read by Jennifer Fournier
In The Depths Of The Soul 20:09 Read by SaraHale
"Forget It." 9:06 Read by SaraHale
"The Kindergarten Of God." 10:57 Read by SaraHale
The Human Wet Blanket 7:20 Read by SaraHale
Aim Straight 19:36 Read by SaraHale
At Home 8:15 Read by Jennifer Fournier
The Solitude Of The Soul 9:12 Read by Jennifer Fournier
Jerry And The Bear 14:36 Read by Jennifer Fournier
The Unseen Hand 12:43 Read by Jennifer Fournier
How Success Comes 7:36 Read by Jennifer Fournier
The Man With The Southern Exposure 11:23 Read by Jennifer Fournier
A Foreword 7:54 Read by Jennifer Fournier
Partnership 14:53 Read by SaraHale
The Seekers 13:08 Read by Jennifer Fournier
Mental Pictures 7:35 Read by SaraHale
Don't Retail Your Woes 14:24 Read by SaraHale
Life 14:20 Read by Jennifer Fournier
Let Us Have Faith 14:25 Read by SaraHale
Do It Now 7:53 Read by SaraHale
Get In Tune 6:43 Read by Jennifer Fournier
Mental Toxin And Anti-toxin 8:53 Read by SaraHale


This will need another go. I think I will be listening again.

(5 stars)
