The Bible in Shakspeare

Read by Joanne Turner

(4.5 stars; 2 reviews)

A compendium and analysis of similarities between the Bible and passages in Shakespeare's plays and other works, including Biblical references in Shakespeare and parallels between Shakespeare's characters and plots and Biblical characters and plots, all demonstrating the strong influence of the Bible on Shakespeare's writings. - Summary by Joanne Turner (0 hr 50 min)


Author's Prefaces 26:47 Read by Joanne Turner
Book 1, Chap. 1, The Genius of Shakspeare 28:42 Read by Joanne Turner
Book 1, Chap. 2, A Greater Than Genius 20:44 Read by Joanne Turner
Book 2, Chap. 1, God in Shakspeare 11:41 Read by Joanne Turner
Book 2, Chap. 2, Bible Characters in Shakspeare 8:43 Read by Joanne Turner
Book 2, Chap. 3, Scripture Facts, Incidents, Places, etc. 4:33 Read by Joanne Turner
Book 2, Chap. 4. Shakspeare as Interpreter of Bible Words 18:31 Read by Joanne Turner
Book 2, Chap. 5. Scripture and Shakspeare Parallels 1:09:22 Read by Joanne Turner
Book 3, Chap. 1. Versatility of Shakspeare in the Use of the Bible 30:46 Read by Joanne Turner
Book 3, Chap. 2. Types of Characters from Scripture 14:53 Read by Joanne Turner
Book 3, Chap 3. Heroes and Heroines 27:03 Read by Joanne Turner
Book 3, Chap 4. The Moral Inculcations of Shakspeare 32:17 Read by Joanne Turner
Book 3, Chap. 5. Tragedy in the Bible and Shakspeare 23:40 Read by Joanne Turner
Book 3, Chap. 6. Religious Thought in the Plots of the Plays 28:46 Read by Joanne Turner
Book 3, Chap. 7. Shakspeare and Immortality 27:50 Read by Joanne Turner
Book 4, Scripture Themes in Shakspeare: Ambition to Death and the Future--Eter… 50:55 Read by Joanne Turner
Book 4, Scripture Themes in Shakspeare: Death, Preparation for to Heaven, Reco… 41:58 Read by Joanne Turner
Book 4, Scripture Themes in Shakspeare: Hell to Justice/Injustice 44:25 Read by Joanne Turner
Book 4, Scripture Themes in Shakspeare: Knowledge to Marriage 47:00 Read by Joanne Turner
Book 4: Scripture Themes in Shakspeare: Meekness-Contentment-Humility to Prov… 42:01 Read by Joanne Turner
Book 4, Scripture Themes in Shakspeare: Purity-Honor-Courage-Rectitude to Reve… 49:45 Read by Joanne Turner
Book 4, Scripture Themes in Shakspeare: Salvation to Suicide 43:39 Read by Joanne Turner
Book 4, Scripture Themes in Shakspeare: Temptation to Worldly Honors and Glory 45:40 Read by Joanne Turner
Book 5, Shakspeare and Temperance 30:20 Read by Joanne Turner