The Canterbury Tales and Other Poems

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Generally considered to be the first book written in English (rather than Latin, French or Italian), Chaucer's magnum opus is a collection of stories as told by a group of pilgrims at Canterbury. It shows Chaucer's knowledge of a wide variety of story-telling styles, with oral storytelling being the norm at that time. It is widely believed by modern scholars that this work was unfinished at his death. This book also includes other poems, some of which are no longer attributed to him. David Laing Purves edited Chaucer's work to make it more accessible to more modern audiences, and has added many notes and explanations, which can be found in the text.(Summary by LynneT) (27 hr 32 min)


Preface by D. Laing Purves 12:38 Read by Rel22
Life of Geoffrey Chaucer 52:07 Read by Beeswaxcandle
The Prologue 45:07 Read by Mark Leder
The Knight's Tale 51:32 Read by Nichole Di Dio
The Knight's Tale Continued 57:27 Read by Nichole Di Dio
The Miller's Tale 41:29 Read by Brize C
The Reeve's Tale 37:03 Read by DJRickyV
The Cook's Tale 7:13 Read by Alan Mapstone
Prologue to The Man of Law's Tale 5:44 Read by Brize C
The Man of Law's Tale 59:12 Read by Brize C
Prologue toThe Wife of Bath's Tale 45:43 Read by amkelleymd
The Wife of Bath's Tale 26:03 Read by Cynthia Malone
The Friar's Tale 23:12 Read by Timbray Shafer
The Sompnour's Tale 35:31 Read by Brize C
The Clerk's Tale 34:13 Read by Brize C
The Clerk's Tale Continued 33:49 Read by Brize C
The Merchant's Tale 30:05 Read by Victoria Quint
The Merchant's Tale Continued 31:16 Read by Victoria Quint
The Squire's Tale 29:07 Read by Joanna Michal Hoyt
The Franklin's Tale 52:09 Read by Cynthia Malone
The Doctor's Tale 14:45 Read by Beeswaxcandle
The Pardoner's Tale 37:33 Read by Mark Leder
The Shipman's Tale 25:46 Read by Brize C
The Prioress's Tale 11:47 Read by Cat Sadler
Chaucer's Tale of Sir Thopas 10:12 Read by Brize C
Chaucer's Tale of Meliboeus 44:15 Read by Brize C
The Monk's Tale 53:14 Read by C. Rowley
The Nun's Priest's Tale 37:45 Read by BerthaMason
The Second Nun's Tale 30:47 Read by Brize C
Prologue to The Canon's Yeoman's Tale 9:47 Read by Brize C
The Canon's Yeoman's Tale 42:40 Read by Brize C
The Manciple's Tale 18:41 Read by KevinS
The Parson's Tale 41:51 Read by Rel22
The Parson's Tale Continued 34:04 Read by Rel22
Prayer of Chaucer 5:35 Read by Rel22
Introduction to The Court of Love 4:30 Read by Nichole Di Dio
The Court of Love (no longer believed to have been written by Chaucer) 56:52 Read by Cbteddy
The Cuckoo and the Nightingale (no longer believed to have been written by Chau… 29:22 Read by Rel22
The Assembly of Fowls 44:42 Read by Brize C
The Flower and the Leaf (no longer believed to have been written by Chaucer) 31:40 Read by Cbteddy
The House of Fame 38:44 Read by Brize C
The House of Fame Continued 34:05 Read by Brize C
Troilus and Cressida 26:01 Read by Brize C
The Second Book 26:51 Read by Brize C
The Third Book 37:39 Read by Brize C
The Fourth Book 35:05 Read by Brize C
The Fifth Book 34:38 Read by Mark Leder
Chaucer's Dream (no longer believed to have been written by Chaucer) 44:05 Read by Rel22
The Prologue to The Legend of Good Women 37:08 Read by Brize C
Chaucer's A.B.C. 16:22 Read by Andrew Mauls Byron
A Goodly Ballad of Chaucer (no longer believed to have been written by Chaucer) 5:55 Read by Rel22
A Ballad Sent to King Richard 2:48 Read by Rel22
L'Envoy of Chaucer to Bukton 2:17 Read by Brize C
A Ballad of Gentleness 1:40 Read by Timbray Shafer
A Complaint of Chaucer to His Purse 2:53 Read by Rel22
Good Counsel of Chaucer 1:54 Read by Timbray Shafer
The Proverbs of Chaucer (no longer believed to have been written by Chaucer) 1:46 Read by Timbray Shafer
Virelay (no longer believed to have been written by Chaucer) 2:35 Read by Rel22
Since I From Love (no longer believed to have been written by Chaucer) 1:14 Read by JessiB
Chaucer's Words to His Scrivener and Chaucer's Prophecy (no longer believed to … 2:39 Read by Rel22