Wisdom's Daughter

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

(5 stars; 4 reviews)

A strange manuscript in an unknown language is found among the effects of the late Professor Horace Holly. Its translator discovers that while in Central Asia, Holly convinced the immortal Ayesha, also known as She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed, to write her story - and this is the book they have found. Ayesha, born the daughter of a sheikh in the 4th century BCE, has no interest in the arranged marriage expected of her. She wants power and position of her own. Led by a vision to believe she is the daughter of Isis, she studies esoteric wisdom under the tutelage of the mystic Noot, but her beauty and intelligence make her a constant target in a world where women are still considered little better than possessions. To survive, she must rely on her wits (and perhaps a little divine intervention) in a series of daring escapes and desperate schemes, finding allies where she can. But as she climbs higher in the service of her goddess, a fateful meeting with the warrior-turned-priest Kallikrates leads her down a road even she would never have imagined. The fourth and final book in the She series. - Summary by Jennie Hughes (0 hr 14 min)


Introductory 5:06 Read by Jennie Hughes
The Halls of Heaven 18:05 Read by Jennie Hughes
Noot the Prophet Comes to Ozal 22:03 Read by Jennie Hughes
The Battle and the Flight 19:07 Read by Jennie Hughes
The Kiss of Fate 21:36 Read by Jennie Hughes
The Summons 21:10 Read by Krista Zaleski
The Divination 34:00 Read by Kassandra
The Quelling of the Storm 25:28 Read by Rover N.
The King of Sidon 30:27 Read by dc
Dagon Takes His Sacrifice 27:41 Read by dc
The Vengeance of Beltis 44:35 Read by Derek Trial
The Escape from Sidon 33:11 Read by Derek Trial
The Sea Battle 35:43 Read by Natalie Rule
The Shame of Pharaoh 42:36 Read by Natalie Rule
The Beguiling of Bagoas 35:29 Read by Natalie Rule
The Plot and the Voice 27:13 Read by czandra
The Feast of the King of Kings 26:00 Read by dc
The Flight and the Summons 32:37 Read by Little Beetle
The Tale of Philo 25:35 Read by czandra
The Hermitage of Noot 30:38 Read by czandra
The Coming of Kallikrates 36:32 Read by Natalie Rule
The Truth and the Temptation 30:30 Read by Natalie Rule
Beware! 23:31 Read by czandra
The Doom of the Fire 25:18 Read by Kassandra
The Counsel of Philo 32:52 Read by czandra
In Undying Loneliness 27:06 Read by Ryan Williams


Great follow on

(5 stars)

the story of the priestess. very well written and thank you to all the volunteers .