A Year's Prayer-Meeting Talks

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

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This is a series of 52 talks, all of which were delivered by Rev. Banks in the First Methodist Episcopal Church of Cleveland, Ohio on a weekly basis over the course of one year. They are here compiled and published by the author "with the prayer and hope that in suggestive and illustrative material they may be of service and blessing." - Summary by Devorah Allen (7 hr 25 min)


Author's Preface 1:49 Read by Devorah Allen
The Characteristics of a Good Church Member 7:32 Read by KenricVO
Christ's Builders 10:36 Read by KenricVO
The Unused Diplomas of Life 10:09 Read by Rebecca Eden Walker
Strength Adorned by Love 11:26 Read by Jordan Nash
Provoking One Another to Good Works 8:32 Read by weezer
The Road that Leads Home 8:33 Read by weezer
Christ's Mission to Deaf Ears 7:48 Read by weezer
The Soldier's Home-Coming 9:59 Read by Jordan Nash
How to Get Everything You Want 10:57 Read by Gillian Hendrie
The Spiritual Farmer 11:52 Read by Steve C
Christ's Kingdom of Character 9:43 Read by Larry Wilson
Religious Gadders 7:36 Read by Jordan Nash
How to Become More Truly Religious 6:26 Read by Tasha C Mapes
The Worship of the Heart 7:37 Read by Joan Freeman
The Kind of Holiness Pleasing to God 7:47 Read by Joan Freeman
The Angels Peculiar to Summer-Time 6:52 Read by Owlivia
The Devils Peculiar to Summer-Time 6:39 Read by Owlivia
Disagreeable Christians 7:47 Read by Jordan Nash
The Source of Our Love for Christ 9:10 Read by Jordan Nash
How to Keep Cheerful 10:13 Read by Jordan Nash
The Imperishable Man Within 8:24 Read by Jordan Nash
The Art of Receiving Good Advice 9:49 Read by Jordan Nash
The Blessings of Hope 6:35 Read by Michele Eaton
Walking with God 11:01 Read by Rebecca Eden Walker
Spiritual Culture 5:51 Read by Steve C
The Good and the Bad Worldliness 8:28 Read by Wayne Cooke
The Evolution of the Shirk 8:04 Read by IReadThings
Homesickness 6:53 Read by mleigh
My Gospel 7:02 Read by mleigh
Making the Most of Things 7:43 Read by mleigh
How Not to Want Everything 11:23 Read by Dorcas Oliver
Every-Day Life Made Easy 9:01 Read by Wayne Cooke
The Selection of Clothing for the Soul 12:01 Read by Rebecca Eden Walker
The Spiritual Cupboard 5:54 Read by Tasha C Mapes
The Duty and Privilege of Forgiving Those Who Injure Us 10:54 Read by Gillian Hendrie
Commonplace Heroes 9:01 Read by mleigh
The Odd Sparrow 7:30 Read by mleigh
The Mountain of the Giants 12:28 Read by Steve C
The Special Value of Average People 9:45 Read by Steve C
Christ's Philosophy of Comfort 7:13 Read by Rebecca Eden Walker
How to Make the Bible a Personal Book 9:13 Read by Gillian Hendrie
Juicy Christians 6:58 Read by weezer
Sleepy Christians and Their Gentle Lord 7:13 Read by weezer
The Power of Personal Influence 5:07 Read by weezer
The Living Bread 7:44 Read by weezer
How to Get Rid of Fear 7:36 Read by weezer
The Taming of the Greatest Shrew in the World 6:17 Read by weezer
The Divine Side of a Revival 9:09 Read by Larry Wilson
The Human Side of a Revival 8:56 Read by Larry Wilson
What Happens When There Is a Revival of Religion 7:42 Read by Larry Wilson
A Great Revival and What Caused It 6:39 Read by Larry Wilson
The First Christmas Gifts 8:35 Read by Devorah Allen