Thus Spake Zarathustra: A Book for All and None (version 2) (includes annotatio…

Read by John Van Stan

(4.1 stars; 34 reviews)

The modern British philosopher, Anthony M. Ludovici, said that this text “is unquestionably Nietzsche’s opus magnum.” However, he warns the reader that since “the book with the most mysterious, startling, or suggestive title, will always stand the best chance of being purchased by those who have no other criteria to guide them in their choice than the aspect of a title-page … ‘Thus Spake Zarathustra’ is almost always the first and often the only one of Nietzsche’s books that falls into the hands of the uninitiated.” He therefore recommends reading this text alongside some scholarly annotations, which Ludovici gratefully supplies in the volume read here. To keep Ludovici’s intention, in this version of ‘Zarathustra’ the reader includes these annotations (where available) immediately after the reading. Summary by jvanstan (16 hr 24 min)


Introductions by Mrs. Forster-Nietzsche & Mr. Anthony M. Ludovici 49:30 Read by John Van Stan
Zarathustra's Prologue 39:33 Read by John Van Stan
Part I: 1. The Three Metamophoses 7:06 Read by John Van Stan
Part I: 2. The Academic Chairs of Virtue 8:00 Read by John Van Stan
Part I: 3. Backworldsmen 8:30 Read by John Van Stan
Part I: 4. The Despisers of the Body 5:50 Read by John Van Stan
Part I: 5. Joys & Passions 4:45 Read by John Van Stan
Part I: 6. The Pale Criminal 6:04 Read by John Van Stan
Part I: 7. Reading & Writing 4:45 Read by John Van Stan
Part I: 8. The Tree on the Hill 7:13 Read by John Van Stan
Part I: 9. The Preachers of Death 5:00 Read by John Van Stan
Part I: 10. Wars & Warriors 4:55 Read by John Van Stan
Part I: 11. The New Idol 7:15 Read by John Van Stan
Part I: 12. The Flies in the Market-Place 9:08 Read by John Van Stan
Part I: 13. Chastity 3:27 Read by John Van Stan
Part I: 14. The Friend 5:35 Read by John Van Stan
Part I: 15. The Thousand & One Goals 7:07 Read by John Van Stan
Part I: 16. Neighbour-Love 4:32 Read by John Van Stan
Part I: 17. The Way of Creating One 8:00 Read by John Van Stan
Part I: 18. Old & Young Women 9:35 Read by John Van Stan
Part I: 19. The Bite of the Adder 4:49 Read by John Van Stan
Part I: 20. Child & Marriage 5:40 Read by John Van Stan
Part I: 21. Voluntary Death 7:55 Read by John Van Stan
Part I: 22. The Bestowing Virtue 14:20 Read by John Van Stan
Part II: 23. The Child with the Mirror 9:03 Read by John Van Stan
Part II: 24. In the Happy Isles 8:25 Read by John Van Stan
Part II: 25. The Pitiful 7:45 Read by John Van Stan
Part II: 26. The Priests 7:10 Read by John Van Stan
Part II: 27. The Virtuous 8:45 Read by John Van Stan
Part II: 28. The Rabble 7:39 Read by John Van Stan
Part II: 29. The Tarantulas 10:25 Read by John Van Stan
Part II: 30. The Famous Wise Ones 8:25 Read by John Van Stan
Part II: 31. The Night-Song 5:50 Read by John Van Stan
Part II: 32. The Dance-Song 6:43 Read by John Van Stan
Part II: 33. The Grave-Song 9:32 Read by John Van Stan
Part II: 34. Self-Surpassing 10:24 Read by John Van Stan
Part II: 35. The Sublime Ones 8:00 Read by John Van Stan
Part II: 36. The Land of Culture 8:23 Read by John Van Stan
Part II: 37. Immaculate Perception 9:11 Read by John Van Stan
Part II: 38. Scholars 6:10 Read by John Van Stan
Part II: 39. Poets 8:58 Read by John Van Stan
Part II: 40. Great Events 10:55 Read by John Van Stan
Part II: 41. The Soothsayer 9:59 Read by John Van Stan
Part II: 42. Redemption 15:24 Read by John Van Stan
Part II: 43. Manly Prudence 9:25 Read by John Van Stan
Part II: 44. The Stillest Hour 10:07 Read by John Van Stan
Part III: 45. The Wanderer 9:35 Read by John Van Stan
Part III: 46. The Vision & the Enigma 17:50 Read by John Van Stan
Part III: 47. Involuntary Bliss 9:20 Read by John Van Stan
Part III: 48. Before Sunrise 9:25 Read by John Van Stan
Part III: 49. The Bedwarfing Virtue 18:40 Read by John Van Stan
Part III: 50. On the Olive-Mount 8:41 Read by John Van Stan
Part III: 51. On Passing-By 10:45 Read by John Van Stan
Part III: 52. The Apostates 12:45 Read by John Van Stan
Part III: 53. The Return Home 13:54 Read by John Van Stan
Part III: 54. The Three Evil Things 17:50 Read by John Van Stan
Part III: 55. The Spirit of Gravity 13:45 Read by John Van Stan
Part III: 56. Old & New Tables (part 1) 41:55 Read by John Van Stan
Part III. 56. Old & New Tables (part 2) 20:21 Read by John Van Stan
Part III: 57. The Convalescent 25:26 Read by John Van Stan
Part III: 58. The Great Longing 7:56 Read by John Van Stan
Part III: 59. The Second Song-Dance 8:35 Read by John Van Stan
Part III: 60. The Seven Seals 9:05 Read by John Van Stan
Part IV: 61. The Honey Sacrifice 16:30 Read by John Van Stan
Part IV: 62. The Cry of Distress 12:20 Read by John Van Stan
Part IV: 63. Talk with the Kings 12:10 Read by John Van Stan
Part IV: 64. The Leech 11:00 Read by John Van Stan
Part IV: 65. The Magician 21:40 Read by John Van Stan
Part IV: 66. Out of Service 15:15 Read by John Van Stan
Part IV: 67. The Ugliest Man 19:20 Read by John Van Stan
Part IV: 68. The Voluntary Beggar 14:15 Read by John Van Stan
Part IV: 69. The Shadow 14:10 Read by John Van Stan
Part IV: 70. Noontide 10:45 Read by John Van Stan
Part IV: 71. The Greeting 17:55 Read by John Van Stan
Part IV: 72. The Supper 6:05 Read by John Van Stan
Part IV: 73. The Higher Man 31:20 Read by John Van Stan
Part IV: 74. The Song of Melancholy 10:45 Read by John Van Stan
Part IV: 75. Science 9:55 Read by John Van Stan
Part IV: 76. Among Daughters of the Desert 14:09 Read by John Van Stan
Part IV: 77. The Awakening 12:10 Read by John Van Stan
Part IV: 78. The Ass-Festival 11:10 Read by John Van Stan
Part IV: 79. The Drunken Song 21:55 Read by John Van Stan
Part IV: 80. The Sign 10:30 Read by John Van Stan


Very clear and well done!

(5 stars)

Fascinating parables about finding strength and individuality despite the pressure of the conformist mob. Narrator reads very well and even has consistent voices for recurring characters.

(4 stars)

Narration and sound clear, the occasional howler of a mispronunciation aside. The book's worth listening to as a story.


(5 stars)

Among the most important texts ever written. As relevant to modernity today as it was then.

(5 stars)

Amazing conveyance of the book thank you


(4.5 stars)

Nietzsche got this completely wrong. Secular Humanism has taught me that value is not determined by strength but instead determined solely based on how BIPOC and non-binary one is. E.G. A 2 spirited member of the Lakota Nation is superior cis gendered white male. Any other form of valuation is error. The farther you go from whiteness the more superior one becomes. It is really simple. The fact Nietzsche wrote so many long and complex diatribes and still got it wrong all point out just how dumb and white he was. All ethics and all philosophy can be summarized as: "Don't be white" Any philosophy or ethics that contradicts this simple statement is a evil. This post was brought to you by law firm of Sullivan and Cromwell, who are working tirelessly for a more managed tomorrow.