Bible (WEB) NT 01-27: The New Testament

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

(4.5 stars; 119 reviews)

The World English Bible is a translation of the Bible into modern English. Work on the project began in 1997, but the translation has been released directly into the public domain, free of copyright. It is largely an update of the American Standard Version of 1901, and is intended to be both readable and non-denominational. (Summary by Leon Mire) (19 hr 20 min)


Book of Matthew, Chapters 01-07 26:53 Read by David Lawrence
Book of Matthew, Chapters 08-12 25:18 Read by Diogenes Dog
Book of Matthew, Chapters 13-16 29:30 Read by webround
Book of Matthew, Chapters 17-21 32:45 Read by webround
Book of Matthew, Chapters 22-25 21:01 Read by David Lawrence
Book of Matthew, Chapters 26-28 26:49 Read by pattymarie
Book of Mark, Chapters 01-05 27:33 Read by David Barnes
Book of Mark, Chapters 06-09 27:00 Read by David Barnes
Book of Mark, Chapters 10-13 25:22 Read by David Barnes
Book of Mark, Chapters 14-16 20:45 Read by David Barnes
Book of Luke, Chapters 01-03 19:22 Read by Vivian Bush
Book of Luke, Chapters 04-07 23:25 Read by TriciaG
Book of Luke, Chapters 08-11 37:36 Read by Andrew Coleman
Book of Luke, Chapters 12-16 32:52 Read by Andrew Coleman
Book of Luke, Chapters 17-21 23:34 Read by TriciaG
Book of Luke, Chapters 22-24 19:17 Read by TriciaG
Book of John, Chapters 01-05 26:56 Read by David Leeson
Book of John, Chapters 06-08 22:42 Read by David Leeson
Book of John, Chapters 09-12 23:03 Read by David Leeson
Book of John, Chapters 13-17 20:52 Read by David Leeson
Book of John, Chapters 18-21 20:05 Read by David Leeson
Book of Acts, Chapters 01-05 25:30 Read by Leon Mire
Book of Acts, Chapters 06-10 30:20 Read by Leon Mire
Book of Acts, Chapters 11-16 31:01 Read by Leon Mire
Book of Acts, Chapters 17-20 18:06 Read by Vivian Bush
Book of Acts, Chapters 21-24 18:21 Read by Vivian Bush
Book of Acts, Chapters 25-28 17:47 Read by Vivian Bush
Book of Romans, Chapters 01-06 23:10 Read by Ransom
Book of Romans, Chapters 07-11 21:47 Read by Ransom
Book of Romans, Chapters 12-16 16:21 Read by Ransom
First Book of Corinthians, Chapters 01-06 18:06 Read by William Healey
First Book of Corinthians, Chapters 07-11 23:00 Read by David Barnes
First Book of Corinthians, Chapters 12-16 22:49 Read by William Healey
Second Book of Corinthians, Chapters 01-07 22:13 Read by David Barnes
Second Book of Corinthians, Chapters 08-13 21:01 Read by William Healey
Book of Galatians 21:52 Read by David Barnes
Book of Ephesians 22:08 Read by David Barnes
Book of Philippians 19:08 Read by pattymarie
Book of Colossians 12:55 Read by Robin Cotter
First Book of Thessalonians 11:48 Read by Robin Cotter
Second Book of Thessalonians 6:45 Read by Kalynda
First Book of Timothy 16:37 Read by Laura Caldwell
Second Book of Timothy 12:05 Read by Laura Caldwell
Book of Titus 6:52 Read by Ezwa
Book of Philemon 3:15 Read by Ezwa
Book of Hebrews, Chapters 01-07 21:14 Read by David Barnes
Book of Hebrews, Chapters 08-13 29:16 Read by David Barnes
Book of James 13:03 Read by David Jaquay
First Book of Peter 16:34 Read by Leon Mire
Second Book of Peter 10:12 Read by Leon Mire
First Book of John 16:20 Read by Lamarr Gulley
Second Book of John 2:07 Read by Lamarr Gulley
Third Book of John 2:12 Read by Lamarr Gulley
Book of Jude 4:15 Read by Lamarr Gulley
Book of Revelation, Chapters 01-07 23:17 Read by Robin Cotter
Book of Revelation, Chapters 08-14 20:22 Read by Robin Cotter
Book of Revelation, Chapters 15-22 26:17 Read by Robin Cotter


Most narrators are good, but Matthew 16 too hard to understand.

(4 stars)

need to rerecord the chapters read by the person who did chapter 16. was very frustrating because I could not understand him a lot of the time.

(5 stars)

I absolutely love this audiobook version of the Bible! Many of the people reading really get into it, changing their voices when reading what this person and that are saying to each other in dialogue. I listen to this anytime. Going to bed, just wanting something to listen to during the day, doesn't matter. I highly recommend the World English Bible for anyone at any age! 😁😁😁

Great Translation to English

(5 stars)

Accurate translation, and mostly good readers of the Bible. Old and New Teastament come in separate books. I prefer the ESV APP availible on playstore. But both are free and very similar. strong 5 stars!


(1 stars)

new testament - the heavy Jamaican accent made it a waste of time.

Uncopyrighted Bible

(5 stars)

This Bible can quote whole books and more than 500 verses without breaking the law, gifted to the public domain. It's even in modern English! Plus, the New Testament is less likely to skip verses because it's a revision of the archaic American Standard Version which used the Majority Greek Text from hardcopied manuscripts, like the Greek church still uses today, rather than the most-edited version by modern scholars that found differences on very old papyrus in a monetary basement trash heap that say, "The old is better, and the missing verses must be more original." But that's a very hot topic and can of worms over about, what, 22 verses different? I don't recall the number, but between the two, it's about 95% or the same, minus two paragraphs, as I recall. Ask someone with a photographic memory, to be sure.

this book is anti-christian

(4.5 stars)

It contains a lot of heretical material that is contrary to racial justice and equality. It depicts Christ as being a war monger who supported slavery and racial discrimination. Examples include the parable of the cannanite women. Also his admonishion of not bringing peace but the sword make Christ to be the very unchristian. The emerging church needs to rewrite the gospel to make it more Christian. Rather than talking about cursing fig trees, we can have Christ righteously smitting cis gendered white males. Rather than saving the prostitute from being stoned we can have Christ stoning Christians for not using the proper pronouns to accurately describe nonbinary individuals. This book needs to be banned untill it is rewritten to accurately depict Jesus as the character atheists in Reddit believe him to be.

Yes! Great!

(5 stars)

I hope that reviewers such as Dr. Raycyst are joking (Dr. Raycyst themself probably are), as this is the Truth and the Way.

God Loves you, be His, serve Him.

(5 stars)

Hear His Word, Believe Him, Repent of your sins, Confess His Name, Be Baptized, Serve Him.