Encyclical Letters of Pope Pius IX

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

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Amongst the vast correspondence of the longest-reigning pontiff since St. Peter, Pope Pius IX wrote upwards of forty Encyclicals during his thirty-two year pontificate (1846-1878). Twenty-six of these are included in this collection. (Summary by M.S.C. Lambert, LC) (10 hr 59 min)


Qui Pluribus (On Faith and Religion) November 9, 1846 40:09 Read by M.S.C. Lambert, LC
Praedecessores nostros (On Aid for Ireland) March 25, 1847 8:36 Read by KevinS
Ubi Primum (On Discipline for Religious) June 17, 1847 15:21 Read by Thaddeus Griebel
Ubi Primum (On the Immaculate Conception) February 2, 1849 10:02 Read by M.S.C. Lambert, LC
Nostis et Nobiscum (On the Church in the Papal States) December 8, 1849 49:22 Read by M.S.C. Lambert, LC
Exultavit Cor Nostrum (On the Effects of the Jubilee) November 21, 1851 9:28 Read by Maria Angela R. Aragon
Inter Multiplices (Pleading for Unity of Spirit) March 21, 1853 24:47 Read by Patrick Randall
Neminem vestrum (On the Persecution of the Armenians) February 2, 1854 48:27 Read by Patrick Randall
Apostolicae nostrae caritatis (Urging Prayers of Peace) August 1, 1854 13:29 Read by Maria Angela R. Aragon
Ineffabilis Deus (Dogma of the Immaculate Conception) December 8, 1854 53:33 Read by M.S.C. Lambert, LC
Amantissimi Redemptoris (On Priests and the Care of Souls) May 3, 1858 21:13 Read by M.S.C. Lambert, LC
Qui nuper (On the Pontifical States) June 18, 1859 4:38 Read by Algy Pug
Nullis certe verbis (On the Need for Civil Sovereignty) January 19, 1860 15:36 Read by Algy Pug
Ubi urbaniano (Russian Persecutions of Catholics in Poland) July 30, 1864 13:47 Read by Algy Pug
Quanta cura (Condemning Current Errors) and the Syllabus of Errors December 8, … 45:54 Read by M.S.C. Lambert, LC
Levate (On the Affiliations of Church) October 27, 1867 12:56 Read by Algy Pug
Respicientes (Protesting the Taking of the Pontifical States) November 1, 1870 29:16 Read by Algy Pug
Ubi Nos (On the Pontifical States) May 15, 1871 20:26 Read by Algy Pug
Beneficia Dei (On the 25th Anniversary of His Pontificate) June 4, 1871 13:19 Read by Maria Angela R. Aragon
Saepe Venerabiles Fratres (Thanksgiving for 25 Years of Pontificate) August 5, … 9:08 Read by Kaleb A. Suedfeld
Quartus supra (On the Church in Armenia) January 6, 1873 1:12:25 Read by M.S.C. Lambert, LC
Etsi multa (On the Church in Italy, Germany and Switzerland) November 21, 1873 47:09 Read by Patrick Randall
Vix dum a Nobis (On the Church in Austria) March 7, 1874 18:35 Read by Algy Pug
Omnem sollicitudinem (On the Greek-Ruthenian Rite) May 13, 1874 13:12 Read by Maria Angela R. Aragon
Gravibus Ecclesiae (Proclaiming a Jubilee) December 24, 1874 37:43 Read by Patrick Randall
Quod nunquam (On the Church in Prussia) February 5, 1875 11:13 Read by Maria Angela R. Aragon