Eighty Years Ashore and Afloat, or, The Thrilling Adventures of Uncle Jethro: E…

Read by PhyllisV

(4.6 stars; 16 reviews)

Experiences of Jethro Ripley, mainly in the Atlantic coast trade, but including an account of a whaling voyage around Cape Horn. The narrative is in the first person and is a vivid account of the seafaring life in the 1800's. Published in 1873. (Summary by PhyllisV) (7 hr 47 min)


Introductory 3:19 Read by PhyllisV
His Early History 8:36 Read by PhyllisV
His First Trip from Home 8:34 Read by PhyllisV
Another Trip to Connecticut 11:53 Read by PhyllisV
A Cruise to Labrador 10:04 Read by PhyllisV
Second Voyage to the Straits 10:33 Read by PhyllisV
Shipwreck of the Elinor 7:05 Read by PhyllisV
A Fishery of Olden Times Described 17:17 Read by PhyllisV
Fishing Voyage and Bad Rum 8:54 Read by PhyllisV
A Cruise of the Coasting Sloop Eastern Trader 8:13 Read by PhyllisV
Uncle Jethro Forms the Acquaintance of his Future Bride 5:28 Read by PhyllisV
Capture of the Whaler Mary Ann, by an English Man-of-War 5:35 Read by PhyllisV
Almost a Hero 7:44 Read by PhyllisV
First Voyage in a Square Rigger 4:12 Read by PhyllisV
A Tyrant in Command 40:19 Read by PhyllisV
On the Home Stretch 22:33 Read by PhyllisV
A Trip to New Haven 10:59 Read by PhyllisV
Chapter 18 Whaling Voyage of the Ship Apollo Part I 39:02 Read by PhyllisV
Chapter 18 Whaling Voyage of the Ship Apollo Part II 42:38 Read by PhyllisV
Chapter 18 Whaling Voyage of the Ship Apollo Part III 39:47 Read by PhyllisV
Chapter 19 Uncle Jethro goes Coasting Part I 29:18 Read by PhyllisV
Uncle Jethro Next Goes Coasting Part II 21:42 Read by PhyllisV
A Snake in the Grass 11:24 Read by PhyllisV
Uncle Jethro in Command of the Fair Lady 4:13 Read by PhyllisV
A Wrecking Expedition to the Devil's Bridge 5:41 Read by PhyllisV
A West Indiaman on the South Beach 7:04 Read by PhyllisV
Uncle Jethro Makes a Harbor at Port Sanders and Forms the Acquaintance of a Wan… 10:08 Read by PhyllisV
A Cruise to the Sunny South 34:44 Read by PhyllisV
A Voyage to Labrador in Sloop Hero 16:59 Read by PhyllisV
One of the Voyages of Forty Years Ago 11:20 Read by PhyllisV
The Conclusion 2:06 Read by PhyllisV


Eighty Years Ashore & Afloat... With Uncle Jethro

(5 stars)

As sea fairing stories go, this one was a delight. Uncle was a character of the sailing men whose work was on or about ships. Interesting, funny again so appreciated the time during the 1840s.

great story

(4 stars)

generally very well read. some of the nautical terms were mispronounced such as "lead" which is in this case "led" not "leed." otherwise good narration and inflection made it enjoyable.