Within a Budding Grove
Marcel Proust
Read by LibriVox Volunteers

"In the Shadow of Young Girls in Flower" (bowdlerized by Scottish translator Scott Moncrieff as "Within a Budding Grove") is the second volume of Proust's heptalogy, "In Search of Lost Time" (called after a Shakespeare line "Remembrance of Things Past" by Scott Moncrieff). Shadow insightfully deals with adolescent longing, and continues Proust's profound meditation on the nature of memory. The original French version was awarded the prestigious Prix Goncourt in 1919.
NOTE: This book contains language that would have been considered appropriate at the time and which may not be appropriate today. (Summary by ScientificMethodist, Note by KHand) (22 hr 27 min)

Alexandra Veres
I strongly object to Scott Moncrieff’s poetic title, “Remembrance of Things Past”, being described by LibriVox as “bowdlerised”; not only is this a total misunderstanding of what “bowdlerised “ means, but it’s also offensive to the immortal translator, himself, who couldn’t resist the analogy between Shakespeare’s phrase and Proust’s title. It’s an infinitely more poetic interpretation of Proust than the dull, plodding, literal “In Search of Lost Time “. The reading itself in Version 1 (far better than Version 2) is fairly enjoyable so far, though the general pronunciation of French words is excruciating.
Thank you for sharing this wonderful reading

Chickadee Yellowfinch