Cripps the Carrier

Read by Keith Salis

(4.2 stars; 30 reviews)

Esther Cripps, the younger sister of the Carrier, Zacchary Cripps, witnesses the disposal of what appears to be the body of the only daughter, Grace, of Squire Oglander of Oxford. Grace's suitor, Russell Overshute, is not convinced with the Coroner's inquiry, and enlists the Carrier to help him investigate the situation. - Summary by Keith Salis (13 hr 47 min)


The Head of the Family 12:07 Read by Keith Salis
The Swing of the Pickaxe 13:26 Read by Keith Salis
Oakleaf Potatoes 13:15 Read by Keith Salis
Cripps in a Quandry 6:13 Read by Keith Salis
A Ride in the Snow 11:08 Read by Keith Salis
The Public of the "Public" 13:03 Read by Keith Salis
The Best Foot Foremost 10:47 Read by Keith Salis
Balderdash 13:39 Read by Keith Salis
Cripps in Affliction 9:20 Read by Keith Salis
All Dead against Him 9:11 Read by Keith Salis
Knocker vs. Bell-pull 15:00 Read by Keith Salis
Mr. John Smith 11:39 Read by Keith Salis
Mr. Smith is Active 9:07 Read by Keith Salis
So is Mr. Sharp 11:35 Read by Keith Salis
A Spotted Dog 9:46 Read by Keith Salis
A Grand Smock-Frock 13:35 Read by Keith Salis
Installed at Brasenose 11:51 Read by Keith Salis
A Flash of Light 12:19 Read by Keith Salis
A Stormy Night 19:23 Read by Keith Salis
Cripps Draws the Cork 14:34 Read by Keith Salis
Cinnaminta 9:37 Read by Keith Salis
A Delicate Subject 15:33 Read by Keith Salis
Quite another Pair of Socks! 19:33 Read by Keith Salis
Suo Sibi Baculo 15:29 Read by Keith Salis
Miss Patch 14:51 Read by Keith Salis
Ruts 18:19 Read by Keith Salis
Rats 14:50 Read by Keith Salis
Boots On 20:47 Read by Keith Salis
A Spider's Dinner Party 15:40 Read by Keith Salis
The Fire-bell 15:09 Read by Keith Salis
Throw Physic to the Dogs 16:00 Read by Keith Salis
Cripps on Celibacy 17:24 Read by Keith Salis
Kit 14:24 Read by Keith Salis
A Woolhopian 14:34 Read by Keith Salis
Nightinggales 10:00 Read by Keith Salis
May Morn 13:26 Read by Keith Salis
May-day 21:54 Read by Keith Salis
The Dignity of the Family 16:08 Read by Keith Salis
A Tombstone 19:35 Read by Keith Salis
Let Me Out 15:37 Read by Keith Salis
Reason and Unreason 13:41 Read by Keith Salis
Meeting the Coach 17:45 Read by Keith Salis
The Motive 13:05 Read by Keith Salis
The Manner 12:18 Read by Keith Salis
The Position 22:41 Read by Keith Salis
In the Meshes 22:00 Read by Keith Salis
Combined Wisdom 13:09 Read by Keith Salis
Masculine Error 17:22 Read by Keith Salis
Prometheus Vinctus 21:35 Read by Keith Salis
Feminine Error 10:51 Read by Keith Salis
Unfilial 14:51 Read by Keith Salis
Unpaternal 20:01 Read by Keith Salis
"This Will Do" 9:04 Read by Keith Salis
Cripps Brings Home the Crown 21:01 Read by Keith Salis
Smith to the Rescue 15:47 Read by Keith Salis
Fatal Accident to the Carrier 22:30 Read by Keith Salis


(5 stars)

A great story and I enjoyed Salis' reading, too. I do wish the racial comments could be edited out, though.

Excellent Reader

(1.5 stars)

Perfectly read. Could listen for hours !

(2 stars)

13 hrs of monotonous babbling. nothing interesting really happens in the whole book. the whole story is told in the introduction, no need to stretch it out over many hours.