Enoch Arden
Alfred, Lord Tennyson
Read by Bruce Kachuk

In the poem "Enoch Arden," Tennyson's epic narrative of the enduring power of love in the face of insurmountable odds, is found a classic example of the determination of the human spirit to triumph in circumstances that address the true meaning of the power of love itself. Wanting only the very best for his impoverished wife and family, seaman Enoch Arden undertakes precarious work which leaves him marooned and presumed lost at sea. On his return home Enoch finds his family well and prospering but his wife remarried. Faced with a love for his family deeper than the oceans he sailed, Enoch must decide whether to intrude into this idyllic scene of domestic happiness or meet old age and death alone and in obscurity. - Summary by Bruce Kachuk (0 hr 54 min)