Hurlbut's Life of Christ For Young and Old

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

(4.6 stars; 7 reviews)

Hurlbut's Life of Christ For Young and Old is a detailed, chronological presentation of the life of Christ, relying heavily on quoted portions of Scripture/ Rev. Hurlbut makes the gospel story accessible for the reader as each episode and teaching is presented as natural dialog. The Life of Christ is a worthy companion to his larger multi-volume Story of the Bible. These are true classics of Christian literature. - Summary by Larry Wilson (0 hr 5 min)


Preface & Introduction 15:07 Read by Devorah Allen
The Lord's Land 9:28 Read by elandem
The People in the Lord's Land 9:35 Read by Cy Young
The Stranger by the Golden Altar 8:30 Read by Cy Young
The Angel Visits Nazareth 9:09 Read by Greg Giordano
A Young Girl's Journey 10:12 Read by Greg Giordano
The Boy Who Never Tasted Wine 6:49 Read by Jane Manning
The Child-King in His Cradle 11:56 Read by Greg Giordano
The Baby Brought to the Temple 6:49 Read by Jane Manning
The Followers of the Star 9:43 Read by Greg Giordano
Safe in Egypt 7:11 Read by Jane Manning
A Child's Life in Nazareth 9:25 Read by Elisabeth Holland
The Boy Lost and Found 11:35 Read by Elisabeth Holland
The Young Woodworker 5:28 Read by David Lawrence
The Voice by the River 6:59 Read by Elisabeth Holland
The Carpenter Leaves His Shop 5:49 Read by Greg Giordano
Alone in the Desert 10:18 Read by Greg Giordano
The Earliest Followers of Jesus 8:19 Read by Elisabeth Holland
The Water Turned to Wine 6:00 Read by Maria de Fátima da Silva
The Lord in His Temple 9:28 Read by Jakub Tuček
At the Old Well 12:39 Read by Bill Mosley
The Nobleman's Boy 4:06 Read by Cy Young
The Carpenter in His Home-town 6:42 Read by Chris Scudder
Four Fishermen Called 5:35 Read by Maria de Fátima da Silva
Jesus in the Church, in the House, and in the Street 5:42 Read by Maria de Fátima da Silva
The Leper and the Palsied Man 7:16 Read by Chris Scudder
How the Tax-Collector Became a Disciple 7:00 Read by pattymarie
The Cripple at the Bath 6:20 Read by Mari Patterson
The Lord of the Sabbath 5:10 Read by Mari Patterson
Jesus on the Mountain 9:16 Read by Larry Wilson
The Good Army Captain 3:54 Read by Slix32
How Jesus Stopped a Funeral 8:57 Read by Bill Mosley
The Sinful Woman Forgiven 6:10 Read by Jennifer Borkowski
Jesus and His Enemies 6:03 Read by Bruce Kachuk
The Story-teller by the Sea 5:05 Read by Chris Scudder
More Stories Told by the Sea 6:46 Read by MajorToast
Sailing Across the Sea 10:00 Read by Bill Mosley
The Sick Woman Made Well, and the Dead Girl Brought to Life 7:39 Read by M.L. Wize
Sight to the Blind and Voice to the Dumb 3:37 Read by Slix32
Twelve Preachers Sent Out 7:52 Read by Bill Mosley
A Dance; and How It Was Paid For 4:52 Read by Slix32
The Boy with His Five Loaves 9:41 Read by Bill Mosley
How the Sea Became a Floor 5:06 Read by SlowCyclist1
The Bread of Life 7:02 Read by Maria de Fátima da Silva
Jesus in a Strange Country 7:05 Read by Bill Mosley
In the Land of the Ten Cities 6:01 Read by Bill Mosley
Again on the Sea of Galilee 6:44 Read by Greg Giordano
The Great Confession 6:45 Read by Maria de Fátima da Silva
The Vision on the Mountain 5:21 Read by Elijah Fisher
The Boy with the Dumb Spirit 4:46 Read by Elijah Fisher
The Last Visit to Capernaum 9:04 Read by Elijah Fisher
Good-bye to Galilee 4:37 Read by Elijah Fisher
Passing Through Samaria 5:27 Read by Elijah Fisher
The Scribe's Question; and Mary's Choice 9:04 Read by Maria de Fátima da Silva
Jesus at the Feast of Tents 5:01 Read by SlowCyclist1
Jesus and the Sinful Woman 6:35 Read by Greg Giordano
The Blind Man at the Pool of Siloam 9:34 Read by Elijah Fisher
The Good Shepherd 5:51 Read by Elijah Fisher
Sending Out the Seventy 6:32 Read by Elijah Fisher
Lazarus Called Out of His Tomb 12:25 Read by Greg Giordano
Jesus Preaching in Perea 7:48 Read by Bill Mosley
In the Church and at the Feast 7:35 Read by Elijah Fisher
On Counting the Cost 4:36 Read by Bruce Kachuk
Seeking the Lost 5:30 Read by Bruce Kachuk
The Parable of the Lost Son Found 7:54 Read by Maria de Fátima da Silva
The Parable of the Dishonest Steward 4:55 Read by Greg Giordano
A Parable for the Lovers of Money 4:59 Read by Maria de Fátima da Silva
Two Parables Upon Prayer 3:45 Read by Maria de Fátima da Silva
The Little Children; and the Rich Young Man 5:45 Read by Greg Giordano
The Workers in the Vineyard 7:42 Read by Greg Giordano
The Blind Man at the Gate 4:41 Read by htamayo
In the Rich Man's Home at Jericho 6:29 Read by Greg Giordano
The Alabaster Jar 9:16 Read by pattymarie
Palm Sunday 6:36 Read by Elijah Fisher
Monday on the Mount and in the Temple 6:45 Read by Elijah Fisher
Tuesday Morning in the Temple 4:15 Read by Elijah Fisher
Three Parables of Warning 7:33 Read by Maria de Fátima da Silva
The Head on the Coin 4:18 Read by SlowCyclist1
The Woman with Seven Husbands 4:39 Read by Bruce Kachuk
The Greatest of All the Commandments 4:54 Read by Maria de Fátima da Silva
The Greatest Gift; and the Strangers from Afar 5:23 Read by Bruce Kachuk
Jesus Telling of Dark Days to Come 6:49 Read by Bruce Kachuk
The Parable of the Ten Bridesmaids 3:20 Read by Bruce Kachuk
The Parable of the Talents 6:28 Read by Maria de Fátima da Silva
The Last Great Day 4:28 Read by SlowCyclist1
Washing the Disciples' Feet 9:04 Read by Larry Wilson
The Lord's Supper  ' 3:39 Read by Larry Wilson
The Vine and the Branches 6:47 Read by Larry Wilson
The Last Words of Jesus to His Disciples 5:52 Read by Larry Wilson
In the Garden of Gethsemane 8:20 Read by Larry Wilson
Jesus Before Annas 4:05 Read by Sophia Field
Jesus Before Caiaphas 7:42 Read by Sophia Field
Jesus Before the Roman Governor 5:43 Read by Sophia Field
Jesus Before Herod 5:20 Read by Sophia Field
Jesus Sentenced to Death 11:26 Read by Sophia Field
Jesus Led to Calvary 7:39 Read by Sophia Field
Jesus on the Cross 10:25 Read by Larry Wilson
The Tomb in the Garden 6:10 Read by Cy Young
The Risen Christ and the Empty Tomb 7:01 Read by Larry Wilson
Jesus and Mary Magdalene 6:16 Read by Jane Manning
A Walk with the Risen Christ 5:26 Read by Larry Wilson
Two Sunday Evenings with the Risen Christ 4:53 Read by Larry Wilson
The Breakfast by the Sea 7:22 Read by Larry Wilson
Jesus Rising up from Earth to Heaven 4:55 Read by Larry Wilson


Hurlbut's Life of Christ For Young and Old

(5 stars)

Excellent presentation of the Life of Christ in Story form, importantly, in portions retaining the exact words from the Bible. Enjoyed the book very much. Thank you!!

(2.5 stars)

All the readers are very good, and I appreciate the historical context offered, but unfortunately the author continually inserts his own suppositions and speculation, not found in the Bible.

Great to have such a narrative of Jesus's life on earth

(5 stars)