The Poems of Madison Cawein Vol. 5

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

This is Volume 5: Poems of Meditation and of Forest and Field of the collected works of Madison Julius Cawein, an American poet from Kentucky. It begins with the long poem Intimations of the Beautiful and falls into three sections: Poems of Meditation, Poems of Forest and Field, and Footpaths. - Summary by Larry Wilson (7 hr 58 min)


To Gertrude 0:36 Read by Larry Wilson
Intimations of the Beautiful Part I (I-X include intro) 12:01 Read by Nemo
Intimations of the Beautiful Part 2 (XI-XX) 10:10 Read by Nemo
Intimations of the Beautiful Part 3 (XX1-XXX) 11:05 Read by Nemo
Intimations of the Beautiful Part 4 (XXXI-XL) 10:30 Read by Nemo
Intimations of the Beautiful Part 5 (XLI-L) 8:25 Read by Nemo
Intimations of the Beautiful Part 6 (LI-LX) 8:54 Read by Nemo
Intimations of the Beautiful Part 7 (LXI-LXVII) 6:31 Read by Nemo
The Moated Grange 7:30 Read by Nemo
Circe 2:36 Read by Foon
Poppy and Mandragora 4:11 Read by Foon
Rosemary 2:03 Read by Bruce Kachuk
Nightshade 1:57 Read by Nemo
Lotus 2:05 Read by Nemo
Moly 2:06 Read by Foon
Chryselephantine 2:20 Read by Aleacia Messiah
Sibylline 1:35 Read by Aleacia Messiah
Eleusinian 1:54 Read by Aleacia Messiah
Argonaut 1:46 Read by Foon
Sic Vos Non Vobis 2:01 Read by Aleacia Messiah
With the Tide 2:04 Read by Larry Wilson
Apportionment 1:44 Read by Larry Wilson
Esoteric Beauty 1:25 Read by Larry Wilson
Tempest 1:14 Read by Bruce Kachuk
Revelation 1:09 Read by Nemo
Analogies 2:40 Read by Bruce Kachuk
Mnemonics 1:27 Read by Foon
Assumption 1:05 Read by Larry Wilson
Proem to ''Undertones'' 1:04 Read by Larry Wilson
Unqualified 0:43 Read by Foon
Unencouraged Aspiration 0:44 Read by Larry Wilson
Interpreted 1:21 Read by Foon
Second Sight 1:31 Read by Phil Schempf
Success 0:36 Read by Michael92
The House of Song 1:34 Read by Bruce Kachuk
Flowers 1:17 Read by Bruce Kachuk
Dead Sea Fruit 1:11 Read by Nemo
Requiem 2:08 Read by Bruce Kachuk
At Last 1:30 Read by Bruce Kachuk
Remembered 1:46 Read by Stefan Von Blon
Monochromes 2:42 Read by Nemo
The World’s Desire 1:49 Read by Stefan Von Blon
The Unattainable 3:07 Read by Kathleen Moore
Problems 0:57 Read by Kathleen Moore
The Beautiful 2:06 Read by Kathleen Moore
World’s Attainment 0:54 Read by Bruce Kachuk
A Blown Rose 0:59 Read by Nemo
Nepenthe 1:26 Read by Stefan Von Blon
On a Dial 1:06 Read by Stefan Von Blon
Unutterable 1:00 Read by Bruce Kachuk
Questionings 1:31 Read by Bruce Kachuk
Fragments 2:55 Read by Bruce Kachuk
Deity 3:12 Read by Bruce Kachuk
Disenchantment of Death 3:42 Read by Larry Wilson
Sleep 2:36 Read by Larry Wilson
Chatterton 2:23 Read by Nemo
The Symphony 7:51 Read by Aidan Williamson
A Song for Old Age 1:11 Read by Nemo
''When the Wine-cup at the Lip'' 0:56 Read by Phil Schempf
The Better Lot 1:04 Read by Stefan Von Blon
Passion 0:46 Read by Bruce Kachuk
The Troglodyte 1:54 Read by Bruce Kachuk
The Evanescent Beautiful 1:32 Read by Bruce Kachuk
The Higher Brotherhood 1:10 Read by Foon
To a Windflower 2:05 Read by Stefan Von Blon
Microcosm 0:53 Read by Phil Schempf
Fortune 0:55 Read by Phil Schempf
Death 1:30 Read by Stefan Von Blon
The Soul 0:34 Read by Larry Wilson
Conscience 0:43 Read by Larry Wilson
Youth 2:12 Read by Bruce Kachuk
Life’s Seasons 1:27 Read by Foon
The Light and Lark 1:22 Read by Phil Schempf
The Jessamine and the Morning-Glory 3:38 Read by Bruce Kachuk
The Toad in the Skull 2:11 Read by Nemo
The Moonmen 3:32 Read by Nemo
Phantoms 2:36 Read by Foon
The House of Death 2:33 Read by Nemo
Eidolons 2:32 Read by Bruce Kachuk
Identities 1:14 Read by Larry Wilson
Hallowe’en 1:39 Read by Foon
Answered 2:14 Read by Larry Wilson
Unfulfilled 2:56 Read by Nemo
Dirge 1:15 Read by Nemo
Rest 1:19 Read by Foon
Clairvoyance 1:00 Read by Larry Wilson
The Ideal 1:31 Read by Bruce Kachuk
To One Reading the Morte D’Arthure 1:34 Read by Ellies
The Cross 1:25 Read by Larry Wilson
Nightfall 1:33 Read by Bruce Kachuk
Pause 1:09 Read by Bruce Kachuk
Above the Vales 1:34 Read by Bruce Kachuk
Insomnia 1:17 Read by Bruce Kachuk
Encouragement 1:04 Read by Bruce Kachuk
Which? 2:20 Read by Bruce Kachuk
Storm 1:00 Read by Bruce Kachuk
Time and Death and Love 1:13 Read by Foon
A Phantasy 2:03 Read by Foon
Wherefore 1:24 Read by Bruce Kachuk
Tristram and Isolt 1:01 Read by Bruce Kachuk
Night 4:22 Read by Phil Schempf
Dawn 1:58 Read by Ivan Yuan
The Ocklawaha 3:25 Read by Ivan Yuan
The Minorcan 2:24 Read by Ivan Yuan
The Spring in Florida 2:58 Read by Ivan Yuan
Long Ago 1:45 Read by Phil Schempf
Self 1:29 Read by Malachy Orozco
Aspiration 1:20 Read by Larry Wilson
Peace 1:24 Read by Bruce Kachuk
Sin 1:14 Read by Bruce Kachuk
The House of Fear 1:29 Read by Bruce Kachuk
Satan 1:02 Read by Larry Wilson
Ossian 1:25 Read by Bruce Kachuk
Quatrains 6:18 Read by Larry Wilson
The Puritans’ Christmas 1:46 Read by Larry Wilson
The New Year 2:13 Read by Bruce Kachuk
The Poet of the Sierras 1:34 Read by Bruce Kachuk
America 2:12 Read by Larry Wilson
''The Fathers of Our Fathers'' 2:44 Read by Bruce Kachuk
Mene Tekel Upharsin 2:35 Read by Larry Wilson
Under the Stars and Stripes 1:20 Read by Larry Wilson
Our Cause 1:31 Read by Larry Wilson
Afterword 1:35 Read by Bruce Kachuk
Poems of Forest and Field 1:07 Read by Larry Wilson
The Hylas 7:11 Read by Phil Schempf
Wind and Cloud 12:19 Read by Larry Wilson
In Solitary Places 23:25 Read by Larry Wilson
The Man Hunt 2:13 Read by Phil Schempf
The Forest of Shadows 4:35 Read by Nemo
''Rose Leaves, When the Rose is Dead'' 3:00 Read by Larry Wilson
Music and Moonlight 3:02 Read by Bruce Kachuk
The Awakening 3:10 Read by Larry Wilson
The Vale of Tempe 4:55 Read by Ellies
The Ballad of Low-Lie-Down 2:05 Read by Daryl Horton
Vagabonds 1:56 Read by Daryl Horton
Revealment 1:12 Read by Larry Wilson
A Yellow Rose 1:29 Read by Larry Wilson
Whippoorwill Time 3:08 Read by Bruce Kachuk
November 4:45 Read by Bruce Kachuk
Hallowmas 1:24 Read by Phil Schempf
Aubade 2:35 Read by Stefan Von Blon
Woman’s Love 1:18 Read by Larry Wilson
At Moonrise 2:29 Read by Larry Wilson
The Lamp at the Window 3:18 Read by April6090
Achievement 2:03 Read by Bruce Kachuk
Mysteries 2:20 Read by Larry Wilson
A Song of the Snow 3:27 Read by Bruce Kachuk
The Wood Water 2:38 Read by Stefan Von Blon
The Egret Hunter 2:09 Read by Phil Schempf
The Miracle of the Dawn 1:41 Read by Larry Wilson
Penetralia 1:45 Read by Larry Wilson
The Heaven-Born 1:26 Read by Larry Wilson
The Ballad of the Rose 3:13 Read by Ellies
Bertrand De Born 4:31 Read by Ellies
The Troubadour, Pons De Capdeuil 3:48 Read by Ellies
The Old Home 1:59 Read by Foon
The Old Herb-Man 1:31 Read by Larry Wilson
The Solitary 1:10 Read by Stefan Von Blon
Footpaths 2:08 Read by Bruce Kachuk
Elfin 1:49 Read by Bruce Kachuk
Authorities 1:57 Read by Bruce Kachuk
The Willow Water 3:33 Read by Larry Wilson
Elusion 3:01 Read by Bruce Kachuk
The Lost Garden 2:09 Read by Larry Wilson
Late October Woods 2:02 Read by Aleacia Messiah
In the Beech Woods 2:30 Read by Bruce Kachuk
The Word in the Wood 2:11 Read by Sonia
The Night-Wind 2:02 Read by Larry Wilson
God’s Green Book 1:22 Read by Larry Wilson
A Wet Day 1:31 Read by Foon
After Storm 1:20 Read by Bruce Kachuk
Sunset on the River 1:17 Read by Larry Wilson
Tabernacles 1:28 Read by Larry Wilson
The Cat-Bird 1:58 Read by Sonia
Days Come and Go 1:39 Read by Sonia
The Waning Year 1:57 Read by Sonia
Gray November 1:32 Read by Sonia
What of it Then 2:52 Read by Bruce Kachuk
Womanhood 1:20 Read by Bruce Kachuk
The Rose’s Secret 2:05 Read by Bruce Kachuk
The Hushed House 1:40 Read by Sonia
Unforgotten 1:41 Read by Bruce Kachuk
Unsuccess 3:24 Read by Larry Wilson
The First Quarter 3:47 Read by Bruce Kachuk
Zero 1:26 Read by Bruce Kachuk
On the Hilltop 1:11 Read by Foon
Autumn Storm 1:23 Read by Bruce Kachuk
The Jongleur 1:23 Read by Bruce Kachuk
Old Sir John 1:08 Read by Larry Wilson
In Ages Past 1:27 Read by Bruce Kachuk
The Miser 1:32 Read by Bruce Kachuk
Unto What End 1:12 Read by Larry Wilson
Epilogue 1:41 Read by Larry Wilson