A Key To Uncle Tom's Cabin

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

(4.7 stars; 6 reviews)

After the publication of Uncle Tom’s Cabin, which many claim sparked off the Civil War that put an end to legalized slavery in America, there was a great outcry that Stowe had blown her fictional story out of all proportion to the facts. She was viewed by some as an irresponsible monster. Stowe defended herself by painstakingly publishing this Key, describing the actual people, incidents, statutes, court cases, news articles, advertisements, and published facts from whence she drew her material. She didn’t make anything up! Additionally, throughout this key, Stowe vents her own very strong opinions on the shameful practice of slavery, and examines, especially in Part IV, the failure of organized Christendom in both America and Europe to put a stop to the barbarity. "We must repudiate, with determined severity, the blasphemous doctrine of property in human beings." She and her famous brother, Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, were very active in the Underground Railroad, raising money and endangering themselves to save countless lives. - Summary by Michele Fry (26 hr 57 min)


01. 1.1 – PART I, CHAPTER I – Preface and Introduction 6:30 Read by Michele Fry
02. 1.2 – Haley 18:56 Read by pmstrahm
03. 1.3 – Mr. and Mrs. Shelby 29:05 Read by DrPGould
04. 1.4 – George Harris 50:46 Read by pmstrahm
05. 1.5 – Eliza 7:57 Read by Angelique G. Campbell
06. 1.6 – Uncle Tom 43:53 Read by pmstrahm
07. 1.7 – Miss Ophelia 17:11 Read by pmstrahm
08. 1.8 – Marie St. Clare 11:37 Read by Michele Fry
09. 1.9 – St. Clare 24:42 Read by pmstrahm
10. 1.10 – Legree 49:58 Read by Michele Fry
11. 1.11 – Select Incidents of Lawful Trade 22:12 Read by William Allan Jones
12. 1.12 – Topsy 24:03 Read by William Allan Jones
13. 1.13 – The Quakers 41:59 Read by William Allan Jones
14. 1.14 – Spirit of St. Clare 54:11 Read by Michele Fry
15. 2.1 – PART II, CHAPTER I 25:39 Read by Michele Fry
16. 2.2 – What is Slavery? 56:24 Read by Michele Fry
17. 2.3 – Souther v. The Commonwealth, the ne plus ultra of Legal Humanity 21:26 Read by Michele Fry
18. 2.4 – Protective Statutes 26:13 Read by Michele Fry
19. 2.5 – Protective Acts of South Carolina and Louisiana.—The Iron Collar of L… 18:38 Read by Michele Fry
20. 2.6 – Protective Acts with regard to Food and Raiment, Labor, etc. 18:14 Read by Kathrine Engan
21. 2.7 – The Execution of Justice 45:50 Read by Kathrine Engan
22. 2.8 – The Good Old Times 11:44 Read by DrPGould
23. 2.9 – Moderate Correction and Accidental Death. – State v. Castleman 18:40 Read by Colleen McMahon
24. 2.10 – Principles established. – State v. Legree; a Case not in the Books 5:07 Read by Kathleen Moore
25. 2.11 – The Triumph of Justice over Law 22:11 Read by Kathleen Moore
26. 2.12 – A Comparison of the Roman Law of Slavery with the American 18:40 Read by Kathleen Moore
27. 2.13 – The Men better than their Laws 33:51 Read by William Allan Jones
28. 2.14 – The Hebrew Slave-law compared with the American Slave-law 32:34 Read by William Allan Jones
29. 2.15 – Slavery is Despotism 18:24 Read by William Allan Jones
30. 3.1 – PART III. CHAPTER I – Does Public Opinion protect the Slave? 29:33 Read by William Allan Jones
31. 3.2 – Public Opinion formed by Education 25:42 Read by William Allan Jones
32. 3.3.1 – Separation of Families - Part 1 24:58 Read by Michele Fry
33. 3.3.2 – Separation of Families - Part 2 38:03 Read by Michele Fry
34. 3.4.1 – The Slave-trade 30:35 Read by Michele Fry
35. 3.4.2 The Slave-trade, Part 2 23:20 Read by Michele Fry
36. 3.5 – Select Incidents of Lawful Trade; or, Facts stranger than Fiction 32:56 Read by William Allan Jones
37. 3.6.1 – The Edmondson Family, Part 1 41:33 Read by William Allan Jones
38. 3.6.2 – The Edmondson Family, Part 2 36:06 Read by William Allan Jones
39. 3.7 – Emily Russell 17:20 Read by Angelique G. Campbell
40. 3.8 – Kidnapping 18:03 Read by Angelique G. Campbell
41. 3.9 – Slaves as they are, on Testimony of Owners 53:43 Read by Michele Fry
42. 3.10.1 – Poor White Trash 28:03 Read by Michele Fry
43. 3.10.2 Poor White Trash, Part 2 28:25 Read by Michele Fry
44. 4.1.1 – PART IV, CHAPTER I – Influence of the American Church on Slavery, P… 33:18 Read by GentleJim
45. 4.1.2 – Influence of the American Church on Slavery, Part 2 37:22 Read by GentleJim
46. 4.2.1 – American Church and Slavery, Part 1 38:01 Read by William Allan Jones
47. 4.2.2 – American Church and Slavery, Part 2 36:24 Read by William Allan Jones
48. 4.2.3 – American Church and Slavery, Part 3 49:40 Read by William Allan Jones
49. 4.3 – Martyrdom 33:41 Read by Larry Wilson
50. 4.4 – Servitude in the Primitive Church compared with American Slavery 28:43 Read by Larry Wilson
51. 4.5 – Teachings and Condition of the Apostles 8:29 Read by Larry Wilson
52. 4.6 – Apostolic Teaching on Emancipation 7:04 Read by Larry Wilson
53. 4.7 – Abolition of Slavery by Christianity 21:28 Read by Larry Wilson
54. 4.8 – Justice and Equity versus Slavery 16:42 Read by Larry Wilson
55. 4.9 – Is the System of Religion which is taught the Slave the Gospel? 42:01 Read by Larry Wilson
56. 4.10 – What is to be done? 32:49 Read by Michele Fry
57. APPENDIX 26:34 Read by William Allan Jones


A Key To Uncle Tom's Cabin

(5 stars)

I love her books .I give it a 10 out of 10 a must read or listen.