Jerusalem to Revelations - A Quartet of Spiritual Explorations
Various, Translated Bye. A. Wallis Budge, Dante Alighieri, William Blake, King James Version, Unknown,William Blake and ,William Blake
Read by Tony Addison

A Four Quartets for the End of Time, these works stretch from the death and rebirth of a living land, England/Albion, to the death of the world as we know it in the Book of Revelations, going by way of a journey of the soul through death into salvation in the Egyptian Book of the Dead, thence into Dante's journey into Hell, Purgatory and final union with his beloved Beatrice and his God. Herein you will find four ways to save your soul and live through death, regenerate a wasted land and, in doing so, enter the New Jerusalem. - Summary by Tony Addison (19 hr 1 min)
A Priceless Jewel

Djedi Miriji
This is an unparalleled collection of spiritual knowledge. The reading may not fit every listeners taste. But for those of us that value character, and thoughtful contemplation of immaculate mysteries, this is one powerful collection of works not to miss out on. I truly love the readers uniquely spirited recital of these already amazing works.
Great audio.....poor reader

Incredible but.......personally I found this reader sounded more like a rebot than human. bit slow.
Reader was to hard to listen to! I can't finish the 1st cjapyer

Professional Reade!